Horn AD Maintenance Seminars
The Mid States Tribe of ICS is going to host a series of one day, “hands on” seminars showing how you and/or your mechanic can satisfy AD 2012-17-06. With you watching and participating, a Comanche tail will be taken apart, the inspection performed, and the tail reassembled. A local ‘Comanche expert’ will be used if possible, otherwise, one will be brought in. Both ICS and non-ICS members are invited.
The cost is $25 per person. An additional $5 per person will cover lunch. Arrangements will be made with a local hotel for Friday and Saturday nights in case you wish to arrive early or leave late. The person who volunteers their Comanche will be charged $50 to cover the inspection and attendance.
Seminars are proposed for Newton, KS; Denver, CO; Rapid City, SD; Minneapolis, MN; Iowa City, IA; and St. Louis, MO. These locations are general areas and should not be construed as absolute. The first location is planned for Newton in the March time frame. A local volunteer coordinator is needed for each site.
We will also endeavor to have something for the non-pilot that might accompany you to do for the day.
The program administrator for the seminars is Pat Donovan. If you are interested in being a local coordinator or want your Comanche tail inspected as part of this program, contact him by posting here or email at ad.seminar@yahoo.com.