tip tank venting fuel

tip tank venting fuel

Postby Matt Bogard » Thu Jun 16, 2016 3:06 am

I seem to have some trouble with my tip tanks venting fuel and staining aft of the vent! It's happened a couple times now - I've been using them more frequently as there's been a significant swing in fuel prices between airports ($3.05 vs $4.50 last weekend!), so it's worth it to top off everything when I find it cheap.

Does this look like a matter of just overfilling the tanks or should I suspect something else? And, what can I use to get the blue stain off my paint?!

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Re: tip tank venting fuel

Postby Kristin Winter » Thu Jun 16, 2016 3:55 am

I couldn't tell where the fuel was coming from, so I will just address some issues I have seen. The gasket for the fuel sender can dry out and leak. It is on the inside of the tank, not visible with the tip tank on. When it leaks, the fuel runs down the inboard side of the tank and then works its way out between the tank flange and the skin.

I have also found that the rubber hose that runs from the tank to the rigid line in the wing is often ignored and after 20-30 years can dry out and split. I would recommend pulling the tanks and see what condition these things are in.
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Re: tip tank venting fuel

Postby Zach Grant L1011jock » Sun Jun 26, 2016 4:46 am

That looks like a bad sender gasket to me. Fuel is coming out inside the wing vs the vent. It is a cork gasket. If you haven't used the tanks in a while, give it a little while with the fuel in the tanks and they may swell to the point they no longer leak. Otherwise, pull the tanks as Kristin said, and you will be able to see exactly what is wrong.

Magi ores cleaner wax is great at getting lots of stains out of paint.

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Re: tip tank venting fuel

Postby Jeff » Thu Oct 06, 2016 4:59 am


I just pulled my tip tank off my PA30 this afternoon and as I noticed some fuel stains on the lower flange of the tank. I looked at the sender gasket as Kristin has mentioned and that is the culprit. The tank is easy to remove and easier with 2 people so as not to scratch the tank. I need to find out where to locate the gaskets and possibly Kristin knows. Just guessing, WEBCO may have them.

Good luck,

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Re: tip tank venting fuel

Postby Zach Grant L1011jock » Thu Oct 06, 2016 1:45 pm

Osborne would have them as they are the OEM for the tanks. Webco may have them as well.

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Re: tip tank venting fuel

Postby Jeff » Thu Oct 06, 2016 2:55 pm

Thank you Zach.

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Re: tip tank venting fuel

Postby Matt Bogard » Sun Nov 13, 2016 2:16 am

Thanks, guys, I'm going to order new gaskets as well for next Annual.
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Re: tip tank venting fuel

Postby Don Ostergard » Tue Nov 15, 2016 5:20 pm

Getting slightly off topic here, but if you are planning to remove your tip tanks anyway, give some thought to replacing your landing lights with LED units. They will likely last the life of the plane, ending the hassle of removing a tank each time one needs to replace a traditional sealed beam.
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