Kosola Inertial Reel Repair

Kosola Inertial Reel Repair

Postby Gomer Pound » Mon Jul 11, 2016 7:30 pm

The inertial reels are not rolling up tightly and the plastic housings are cracking. Does anyone know of a contact for the Kosola shoulder harness STC or repairs? I was encouraged when I saw Kosola listed on the FAA site for shoulder harness companies. When I clicked on the Kosola link it led to Aerospace Welding Minneapolis. I spoke with Keven Pew @ Aerospace Welding. He says they bought the Kosola engine mount STC's but not the harness STC. He has not been able to find out who (if anyone) owns the Kosola harness STC.
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Re: Kosola Inertial Reel Repair

Postby Zach Grant L1011jock » Tue Jul 12, 2016 8:25 am

I have an idea that the inertial reels are a stock part, not made by Kosola, so Imwould start by trying to identify who manufactured it and then try to procure another. If you cannot secure a same part, a similar certified unit from say Amsafe could certainly be used as a substitute part based on the original not being available.

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Re: Kosola Inertial Reel Repair

Postby Gomer Pound » Mon Jul 18, 2016 4:05 am

Hi Zach, I looked at the shoulder harnesses today. The webbing and the buckles were made by AMSAFE. I didn't find any markings on the inertial reel, but it is hard to get a good look at without taking it down. I did see that the shoulder harness length may be too long for the reel, such that there is no way the reel could tighten up the shoulder harness sufficiently. I may do some measurements full forward and see. I'm more of a slender build, so it may be a bigger person would need the length. I would think the length was standard according to Kosola.The belts were rewebbed in 2012.
Does anyone have the Kosola installation instructions? I will look in the papers I inherited. Can the bolt holding the inertial reel simply be unbolted? (with the understanding an A&P would tighten back to the proper torque value?) Is there a nut to fall off under the headliner, or does the bolt thread into a captured nut?
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Re: Kosola Inertial Reel Repair

Postby Pat Donovan » Mon Jul 18, 2016 1:26 pm

Hi Gomer,
I also have Kosala units, but not at home now to look for paperwork. Yes, the units can be unbolted without worry or affecting the headliner.
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Re: Kosola Inertial Reel Repair

Postby Gomer Pound » Tue Jul 19, 2016 3:24 am

HI Pat, thanks for the info. I removed the bolt holding the inertial reel today. The reel was made by AMSAFE, PN 7260111. There is also another number, V.T-16 stamped into the metal. So, all the shoulder harness parts are made by AMSAFE.
I made some measurements today while sitting in the plane and came to the conclusion the seatbelts are the proper length. Therefore, based on the amount of webbing the reel is capable of accomodating with that reel size, the inertial reel was never meant to take up all the slack in the belt, as you see in cars. The inertial reel simply lets you lean forward after the belt is on. I may check with AMSAFE to see if they make a larger diameter reel I could use. It is most likely not worth the extra money, but at least I would know if it's possible. With the FAA encouraging shoulder harness installation, I don't see much problem either making a logbook entry or having an A&P who is willing do so. I can also see if they can replace the cracking plastic on the end of the reel.
So, at least I found out what I wanted to know.
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Re: Kosola Inertial Reel Repair

Postby Gomer Pound » Tue Jul 19, 2016 6:53 pm

I called AMSAFE today, but could not find a way to either leave a message or speak to anyone. I plane to go to OSH for Airventure, so perhaps they will have a booth so I can show them the reel.
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Re: Kosola Inertial Reel Repair

Postby Anne Obrien » Mon Nov 20, 2017 6:30 am

Hi all, I’m going to install shoulder harnesses in my PA-24-180,about time! Since a lot will come apart during the ADS-B process it seems like a good time. Could I ask opinions on inertia reel V’s. Fixed straps?
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Re: Kosola Inertial Reel Repair

Postby Joachim Gruber » Mon Nov 20, 2017 6:33 pm

Obviously this is a matter of personal preference. However, I recently (July, 2017) had inertial reels installed and am quite happy with them. they make it easy to lean forward and reach across the cockpit (my transponder is in front of the copilot seat).
Hope this helps.
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