Will I've unfortunately run up against a worn cam. Went to install new cylinders and have two lifter tappets that are badly pitted. Couple of questions for those who have gone before me.
1. Recommendation on shops that you have used? My top picks are Lycon or Pan Yan Aero. They seem to be top rated but pricey too.
2. I have found a few shops within driving distance but do a much smaller amount of business but retired guys with lots of experience.
3. Found a nice guy...never met who has 30 years experience. Recommended me send all the parts out to be repaired, send them to him when done. Much cheaper but no references.
4. Engine has 1300 hours on it. Repair only for a lot less but won't get a reset on the engine time. My engine was rebuilt in 1997, with new cylinders and reground cam.
Any advice appreciated.