by Ed Asmus » Sun Sep 06, 2015 4:51 pm
HI folks,
Thanks for your comments and opinions. I hope we receive many more. It would be interesting to know the opinions of as many "maintenance experts" as possible regarding the Australian flight control cable AD.
Not being a mechanic myself, it is difficult for me as an owner to decide what maintenance is appropriate and what may not be. My profession is an air traffic controller in Chicago Center which I have been doing for nearly 25 years now. Suffice it to say, there are very few people who agree in the profession on what would be the "best" way to handle air traffic in Chicago. If you want to witness a spirited debate, put controllers in the same room, and pose this very question. Because of all my controlling experience, I have my own opinions. I feel I can logically explain (with science and math) why I feel this way, and I can confidently disregard the opinions of the folks who are just "way off" and have no ability to support their conclusions using "science and math."
Because I lack the same maintenance experience that I possess in air traffic control, I have no choice but to either obtain the same level of experience myself to develop my own opinions that I have confidence in (not likely to happen) or find people who earn my faith (Heritage Aero), and trust them. (Trusting people is not something that comes naturally to me. I'm a cynic at heart.) Though I have not been working with Heritage too long (about two years now), all the folks I meet there give me a good feeling on their judgments and opinions about maintenance and most importantly, why they feel the way they do. The "WHY" is the most important part. Having the backing of the ICS helps too.
Based on the conversation I had with Heritage about flight controls, my extreme hope is that they are correct. My life depends on it. I hope the ICS gets heavily involved in this potential issue as they did with the tail horn AD. We desperately need "science" to back the answer to this question. I personally need to be convinced there is an unacceptable level of risk continuing with the current cables (don't feel that way yet as I don't hear of our Comanches falling from the sky as a result of this issue) because I definitely feel there is substantial risk in messing with such a critical system if its not absolutely necessary. The Australians, in my little opinion, are not off to a good start applying the AD universally. That seems like the easy way out to me.
Clarence and Pat, to answer your questions, the few times I stopped to see the inspection of my plane in progress, the seats were out, at least portions of the the flooring was removed though I cannot recall exactly which portions, and they did inspect behind the panel and even made some adjustments there. I do recall everything being exposed under the back seat and aft of the baggage area. Unfortunately, I can't recall if the baggage floor itself was removed or the pilots side floor. Next time I'm there though, I will ask for sure. This is why I want the opinions to keep coming!