Hartzell 2 Blade prop off 260 Comanche

Hartzell 2 Blade prop off 260 Comanche

Postby Jerry Fitzgerald » Mon May 25, 2015 1:55 am

Well maintained prop I removed off my PA24 and replaced with a 3 blade. Comes with a spinner that was on the 260 when I bought it but it is a 250 spinner. HC-C2YK-1BF/F8467-7R
Governor F-4-4A



Plane with prop was being painted when I elected to go with the 3 blade hence it has a fresh coat of paint.

Make reasonable offer.
Jerry Fitzgerald
Posts: 14
Joined: Wed Dec 21, 2011 9:43 pm

Re: Hartzell 2 Blade prop off 260 Comanche

Postby guy poultier » Tue May 26, 2015 11:45 pm

Hello Jerry

Is it possible to put this Prop on my pa24 250 mod.63??

Guy Poultier
guy poultier
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Re: Hartzell 2 Blade prop off 260 Comanche

Postby Jerry Fitzgerald » Thu May 28, 2015 3:40 am

The previous owner installed the 250 spinner when the original one cracked and saw that it fit, he flew it for 7 yrs. with this spinner. The spinner with bulkhead came off of a 250 but the prop shows up in the records before that so I suspect it was purchased for the 260.

The prop is in great shape and I had no issues with it when I replaced with a new 3 blade.

I am moving overseas and will sale the package cheap (spinner, bulk head, and prop).

As far as rated for 250 (prop), I cant answer that, maybe the prop manufacture can or one of the SME on this site.
Jerry Fitzgerald
Posts: 14
Joined: Wed Dec 21, 2011 9:43 pm

Re: Hartzell 2 Blade prop off 260 Comanche

Postby Timothy Poole » Thu May 28, 2015 1:00 pm

It's been a while since I looked at a Type Certificate Data Sheet but yours can be found here

http://rgl.faa.gov/Regulatory_and_Guida ... E/1A15.pdf

Page 10 seems to indicate that prop can only be installed on the 260.

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