Postby Eric Jones » Thu Mar 19, 2015 3:54 am

I have the girl over at Heritage Aero now for my first 'engine check' since the engine installed, and everything looking quite good! I know that Cliff and the guys are taking good care of me. Nice to be so close (20 minute flight) to Heritage! So far..........very pleased with the new engine............

While there in Rockford, I had Avionics Place (great radio shop) look into my Trim Switch problem (runaway, etc...), and they indicate that I need a new switch, but they are having difficulty finding one. I know they are far more able than I to locate one, but thought I would ask on this forum to see if anyone would have any suggestions as to where or what that I could pass on the information to them...........thank you! Pictures of the plane and engine installation will follow, maybe I should even do a story on the 'adventure' for the magazine!
Eric Jones
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Joined: Fri Aug 01, 2014 12:17 am


Postby N3322G » Thu Mar 19, 2015 2:06 pm


Having seen them together, I'd swear Cliff and Tim Talley of Clifton Aero were brothers in another life. Clifton and I routinely work as a team to find parts. At times they find them and I routinely find some parts - mostly becasue I'm more comfortable with electronic searches, eBay etc. If you know the part #, I'd try the electronic sources, google searches etc. ... on the other hand, don't ask me to do their job.

Patricia Jayne (Pat) Keefer ICS 08899
PA-39 #10 Texas
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