Headliner/Shoulder Belts

Headliner/Shoulder Belts

Postby Richard Lanning » Mon Oct 20, 2014 10:57 pm

I am trying to install a set of shoulder belts. Unfortunately, we can't figure out how the headliner is attached along the top of the windows. There are no screws or trim. It almost appears like the headliner was glued to something and then the window was installed.

Anyone have any ideas on this? My mechanic even had a guy from the local upholstery shop on the airport take a look and he couldn't figure it out. The headliner is in great shape so I really don't want to excessively damage it if not necessary.

I have some pictures I will try to upload.
Headliner 1
Headliner 2
Headliner 3
Headliner 5
Headliner 5
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Re: Headliner/Shoulder Belts

Postby Pat Elliott » Tue Oct 21, 2014 12:34 am

I just did this job. The headliner is tucked \ glued into the upper window channel. You must take out the rear windows and very gently remove the head liner. I found that a shop rag soaked in mek, tucked into the channel and let sit for a moment would loosen the glue and I could gently pull down the headliner. I would move the rag a little bit at a time and slowly work the headliner down. You will also have to pulled a headliner down from around the door to about halfway up the cabin to get enough room to rivet in the reinforcements in. on the pilot's side I split it along one of the trim pieces about halfway up the cabin to get the clearance required. I was able to get everything back together without detracting from the looks of the headliner.when I get home this afternoon I will post some pictures I have.
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Re: Headliner/Shoulder Belts

Postby Richard Lanning » Tue Oct 21, 2014 1:10 pm

Thanks. The more help the better. Every little job seems to turn into a big job. $$$$

Appreciate the assist.

I would have much rather invested the money into something else for the plane than shoulder belts but the wife had a different opinion. I keep telling her all it does is keep all the parts in one place after the accident. :roll: Considering I also ride a motorcycle I thought her emphasis on the shoulder belts for the plane interesting.
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Re: Headliner/Shoulder Belts

Postby JIMICS2452 » Tue Oct 21, 2014 1:12 pm

Yes, you need to remove the windows. I use a heat gun set on low to heat the area that is cemented down to cause the adhesive to release. Less risky to material, finishes, and you than MEK.
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Re: Headliner/Shoulder Belts

Postby Richard Lanning » Tue Oct 21, 2014 3:37 pm

My mechanic's fears are that he won't be able to get the headliner back to its original state and the time it might take to accomplish.

Your thoughts? I have a beautiful headliner right now. Hate to damage it but I also got these expensive shoulder belts and my wife impatient that they are not installed.

I am all thumbs so I need my mechanic to do this job. What did you use to protect the headliner where the shoulder belts penetrate it?
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Re: Headliner/Shoulder Belts

Postby JIMICS2452 » Tue Oct 21, 2014 3:57 pm

The only penetration of the headline in my installation was one bolt that held the shoulder harness. All the mounting hardware went under the headliner. That hole is covered by a washer and the fitting on the harness. The headliner is not very hard to get back into place with a little care and re-stretching. I used a contact adhesive when putting it back in place.
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Re: Headliner/Shoulder Belts

Postby Pat Elliott » Tue Oct 21, 2014 4:03 pm

There was a study a few years ago about shoulder harnesses and survial / injury rates in GA crashes. Someone looked back at all the injuries and figured out what percentage would have been prevented by the use of should harnesses, and then at the deaths caused by head trama and how many of those they could have prevented. The numbers were clear. YOU NEED shoulder harnesses.

I am a solid unwaivering believer in them. This past June I totaled my Cessna 175, we both would have been dead or severly screwed up if we hadn't had shoulder harnesses installed. We walked away with a few bruises. When I bought my 24-180, they were the first thing to be installed.
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Re: Headliner/Shoulder Belts

Postby Pat Elliott » Tue Oct 21, 2014 4:15 pm

8) promised photos. Heat didn't work for me. My head liner has some sort of vinyl in it and would discolor and shrink with any heat applied.
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Re: Headliner/Shoulder Belts

Postby N3322G » Tue Oct 21, 2014 4:18 pm

There are also STC'd airbags for Comanches.

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Re: Headliner/Shoulder Belts

Postby Richard Lanning » Tue Oct 21, 2014 10:04 pm

Whatever you do, don't tell my wife. ;)

That is an incredible photo. Glad you survived and got back in the saddle after that.
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