One Piece Bungee Tool designed by Dave Clark

One Piece Bungee Tool designed by Dave Clark

Postby Dave Clark » Thu Oct 24, 2013 2:57 am

one piece tool captioned.jpg
I wanted to announce that we have now sold over 50 of our one-piece bungee tools. I just finished another batch of 12. We make them in a multi-step process. First, we acquire the metal, do a number of steps on both the milling machine and the lathe, then weld the parts together, and finally take them to the coating shop for a black oxide anti-rust treatment. The jackscrew mechanism is made out of industrial grade Acme threaded rod.

This is the one-piece bungee tool I designed and was seen in the Flyer article. These tools are over-engineered to be the safest and most user-friendly bungee tool on the planet. They have been very well received and we have gotten some very nice “testimonials” from mechanics and owners alike. Not one complaint. We have sent 3 of them to Australia and 3 or 4 to Europe and a couple to Canada. To those Comanche drivers who purchased them, let me say a heart-felt, “Thanks.”

We have started welding the tools "in house" and that is cutting the cost of making the tools significantly. Therefore, we are lowering the price of the tool to $225 plus $14 S&H. If you have questions or want to place an order, PLEASE contact me by way of my email address rather than thru the forum:

Dave Clark
Last edited by Dave Clark on Thu Nov 16, 2017 6:15 pm, edited 9 times in total.
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Re: One Piece Bungee Tool designed by Dave Clark

Postby Kristin Winter » Thu Oct 24, 2013 3:28 am


What about your version makes it worth almost $200 more than say the Bogert tool?
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Re: One Piece Bungee Tool designed by Dave Clark

Postby Andrew Foster » Thu Oct 24, 2013 6:39 am

The bogart tool rocks
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Re: One Piece Bungee Tool designed by Dave Clark

Postby Dave Clark » Thu Oct 24, 2013 1:20 pm

I bought a Bogert tool years ago. I thought it was an improvement over the "homemade" tool I had been given by
an older mechanic when I first bought my own Twin Comanche. But then I started examining its shortcomings.
Putting the stretching device into a vise and using a breaker bar to create
300 to 400 pounds of force, IMHO, is dangerous. If that vise lets loose of that stretcher or you lose your
grip on it, somebody could get hurt. I don't feel that the "outboard saddle" on the Bogert tool is adequate
either, i.e., if you dropped the "loaded" installer tool or hit it against the airframe, the outboard pulley could
come loose from its seat in the saddle and come back at you with great force.
And quite frankly, the Bogert fixed length installer tool is not that easy to use,
especially when removing it from the wing after installing the bungee onto the pulleys. I ended up modifying mine
a couple of times before I decided to "build a better mousetrap."
And so I made two or three different bungee tools that I intended to be safer and easier to use.
In my tool, you use a wrench to turn two Acme threaded rod jack screws that stretch the bungee onto the tool itself.
And I put a much wider outboard saddle to hold the outboard pulley.
If you were to drop the tool during the process, nothing would happen. There is no way for it to "get away from you."
And when you are installing the bungee, it is much easier to remove this tool from in between the stretched bungee
because by turning the jackscrews in the opposite direction, you can collapse the tool and make it much shorter
and easier to remove.
I have gotten many many compliments from mechanics on three continents on the design and ease of use of the tool.
Two different tool companies wanted to make it, but could not because of the labor involved, and the limited number of potential buyers.
Even Bogert expressed interest in making/marketing the tools. However, they just can't be produced cheaply like their tool.
The owner of AIrcraft Spruce wrote me a very complimentary letter and wanted to sell them for us, but we knew we could not
produce them fast or cheaply enough to make that work. So we have just made a limited number of the tools when time permitted.
A friend and I buy the raw material, make these tools in our machine shop, contract the welding, coating, etc. They are
really a "labor of love" by somebody who "likes to do it right." We knew we would not put Bogert (a good company BTW) out of business.
To read more about the tool, check out the article in the Flyer: ... e_tool.pdf
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Re: One Piece Bungee Tool designed by Dave Clark

Postby Kristin Winter » Thu Oct 24, 2013 5:24 pm

Thank you for the explanation. I have a Bogert tool and it can be a little challenging to get it off, though I find that by running the gear to point that it is maximally stretched than I can get it off without too much difficulty. I grant you that you need to be careful with the stretcher and if you don't have a vise, it can be a dangerous tool. I don't think that the danger, once the bungee is on the rod, is very great though. The Bogert is quick, which is a bonus if you are doing a lot of them. For the owner without the equipment, you might have a better solution.

Now, if someone came up with a pneumatic one, that would be the ticket.
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Re: One Piece Bungee Tool designed by Dave Clark

Postby James Turner » Fri Oct 25, 2013 6:05 am

Hi Dave,

I just happen to be in the market for a bungee tool...

I was about to purchase the Bogart tool from Spruce when I happened upon this thread. I am located in New Zealand and therefore I'm not able to purchase from eBay (as far as I can determine).

Having never replaced a bungee before (I have only owned my 180 for 18 months) I'm not sure which is the best solution for me however, I do like the inherent safety of your system. Does your system come with the ratchet tool?

If I was to purchase is there another way apart from eBay?


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Re: One Piece Bungee Tool designed by Dave Clark

Postby JIMICS2452 » Fri Oct 25, 2013 1:21 pm

I had one of the "all-thread" type bungee tools fold up on me this year inside the bungee well while doing the bungee installation. All it took was a small amount of side load while maneuvering to get the screw end installed. Luckily it did not get my arm or damage the plane. Too dangerous for me. I bought a Bogart.
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Re: One Piece Bungee Tool designed by Dave Clark

Postby Dave Clark » Fri Oct 25, 2013 2:50 pm

I hear what you are saying. I have seen a number of "homemade" bungee tools made out of hardware store all-thread and rather inadequately welded/brazed pipe.
That is why I totally "over-engineered" my tool with 5/8" Acme threaded rod of the type that is used in industrial machine drives like
a Bridgeport mill or a commercial lathe. I used some really stout steel pipe that equals or exceeds the material used in the Bogert tool.
The saddles and Acme nuts are all professionally TIG welded to make this bungee tool STRONG.It will not collapse on you.
The entire point was to make it safer and easier to use than a Bogert tool and I believe anybody who has tried both would agree.
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Re: One Piece Bungee Tool designed by Dave Clark

Postby Dave Clark » Fri Oct 25, 2013 3:07 pm

In reply to James Turner's questions. Yes, we ship the bungee tools overseas. And yes, if you contact me by way of this forum (and not through Ebay),
I will give you a $25 discount. If you contact me through Ebay, then I am honor (and contractually) bound to go through their service- which has an expense attached to it.
Thus if we don't use Ebay, I pass that savings along to you.
Also, although I say in the ad that the S&H is $20, I only charge the actual shipping charges- which is usually less than that in the US. It is more
than that overseas and can vary depending on location.
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Re: One Piece Bungee Tool designed by Dave Clark

Postby Tim Eason » Fri Aug 15, 2014 9:12 pm

I bought one of Dave's tools and it is a quality piece of equipment. This tool will not fold up when extended. This tool is very stout and I doubt if it will ever wear out under normal use. It also comes with excellent instructions.I have never used the bogart tool, but I did investigate how it worked and compared its operation to the tool designed by Mr. Clark.I think he has a better and safer solution. This was the first time I ever changed a bungee and I used Dave's tool and followed the instructions. I found it to be fairly straight forward and the tool worked as advertised. I would recommend Mr. clarks tool to anyone.
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Re: One Piece Bungee Tool designed by Dave Clark

Postby Gomer Pound » Mon Dec 05, 2016 1:12 am

HI Dave, I PM'd you , but got no reply. I am interested in your bungee tool with the Alden Wrench.
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