Need help! Part Number 23394-00 stud assembly

Need help! Part Number 23394-00 stud assembly

Postby Manche 68 » Wed Oct 16, 2013 1:05 am

Hello fellow Comanche friends!

I need some help finding part number 23394-00. This is the stud assembly that holds on the dual sprocket on the pilot side control shaft. So here is the story...I have owned my bird for 6 years now and she has been an awesome plane....flies like a dream! Well recently i felt some slop in the pilots side I started to investigate and determined that the stud assembly on the pilot side had slowly elongated to the point where I now have about 1/2inch of slop before the ailerons engage...which makes it awful to fly...especially when these planes fly so nice and tight. How this happened..I have no idea. My aviation shop pull the entire panel off (because thats what needs to happen in order to get to the stud assembly) and removed the part for me of which confirmed that the whole is elongated and causing the slop. Does anybody have one of these by chance or know where I can get one. If so, please help! Thanks in advance.

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Re: Need help! Part Number 23394-00 stud assembly

Postby N3322G » Wed Oct 16, 2013 2:40 am


I googled the part number and it appears that Twins use the same part. You might want to verify it but it could help you in your parts search. I have some 250 main gear doors destined for my twin - many parts are shared between the Comanches. There are several twins being parted out - check the buy/sell category

Hope this helps.

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Re: Need help! Part Number 23394-00 stud assembly

Postby Kristin Winter » Wed Oct 16, 2013 2:56 am

I would try Webco and Air Parts of Lock Haven. If you are in the U.S. or under U.S. registry, it looks like a part that could be made as an owner produced part. Take the part to a machine shop and ask them to duplicate it.
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Re: Need help! Part Number 23394-00 stud assembly

Postby Manche 68 » Wed Oct 16, 2013 3:05 am

Thanks. I will call Them tomorrow! I just can't believe this could happen.
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Re: Need help! Part Number 23394-00 stud assembly

Postby Wheelman » Fri Jan 31, 2014 4:38 pm

Were you able to find this part? I have a 260C with the same problem, but not as much slop yet.
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Re: Need help! Part Number 23394-00 stud assembly

Postby Manche 68 » Sun Feb 09, 2014 3:11 pm

Yes, parts of lock haven had one. I will say, it is awesome to have the yokes nice and tight again. Also, it's about a 40hr job to do it right. The entire panel has to come out to get to the part. I believe mine started when I put rams horns yokes on....the shop probably beat the old ones off and new ones on. All good now.
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