Throttle lock rebuild

Throttle lock rebuild

Postby Andy White » Sat Aug 10, 2013 10:34 pm

Sorry I have searched for this and did not see it. My throttle has its leather piece that helps it lock obviously worn out since it will not lock in place. I have seen people talking about putting another piece in it, buying a piece from webco to replace it, etc. can someone tell me the procedure to rework it? Basically trying to figure out if this is an easy quick fix until i can get a replacement throttle swapped out.

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Re: Throttle lock rebuild

Postby N3322G » Sun Aug 11, 2013 1:43 pm

Hi Andy,

Welcome to the Forum - I see this is your first message here.

The parts manual is on the site under the Tech tab - if you have the part number - sometimes a Google search will help find a repalcmeent - did Webco have one? FYI. The Webco website does not show everything they have so a call is warranted. They do have a lot of their inventory in their computer so part number make for much faster searches.

Kindly post the results so we can all learn. Thanks.

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Re: Throttle lock rebuild

Postby Jim Worley » Mon Aug 12, 2013 2:50 am

I had the same problem last year. After reading all the posts, I cut a piece of leather about 3/8" wide and long enough to go around the throttle shaft about 1.5 times from the finger of a worn out pair of gray "muleskin" work gloves. I unscrewed the throttle lock until I could slide it back along the shaft and out of the way for a moment. I wrapped the piece of leather around the shaft just behind the threads that the lock screws onto. I screwed the lock back into place over the leather and it works perfectly. No need to replace. I used the leather from the glove because it was very soft and easy to work with. I think a piece of a leather shoe lace would work well too, as long as it was soft. Hope this helps.

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