by Zach Grant L1011jock » Thu Jan 10, 2013 4:10 pm
The regulator has two holes that lined up, one rivnut was required. The wiring of the system is a little tricky until you skull it our with the original wiring diagrams. You have to make the main feed a continuous wire to the alternator breaker. The field wire runs directly from the regulator to the alternator, and an aux wire is run from the alternator to the regulator. That part is easy. When wiring up the master switch, since the Comanche has a true master switch, the old "field" wire is not used and can be tied back or removed. A jumper needs to run from one hot pole to the other of the master switch (original wiring for the generator had this side of the switch powered directly from and aux line from the generator, alternator needs battery power to set field), and then the switched side of the second pole gets wired to the field breaker/field switch (neither are supplied with the kit...also need about 35' of 18 ga wire) and then to the "activate" position on the regulator (this step is omitted in the rather generic wiring and installation instructions). The "Alt Inop" warning lamp is also added and is wired to the hot side of the main bus in the cockpit and has a switched ground at the regulator. Hope this helps. This was my first Plane Power instal, and all told went pretty well.
"Keep it above 5 feet and don't do nuthin dumb!"