alt tensioner pully bearing

alt tensioner pully bearing

Postby Tom Corell » Thu Dec 06, 2012 8:58 pm

Need to replace the alt tensioner bearings on my 69 pa30c the bearing sent to me by webco the od and width was to large,this is a lycoming part for my io 320 b1a engines the markings on the bearing are ntn rblo or rblb? I didn't notice a part # on the pully any help on finding the correct bearing would be appreciated.

Thanks Tom c.
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Re: alt tensioner pully bearing

Postby Kristin Winter » Fri Dec 07, 2012 1:50 am

We found one for another 1969 PA-30. The bearing was made by SKF and the number was 3201-A-2RS1TN9. Post and picture so I can tell whether it is the same. Alternatively, do what that owner did and took it to a local bearing house and they matched it. It was installed as an owner produced part.
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Re: alt tensioner pully bearing

Postby Tom Corell » Fri Dec 14, 2012 9:14 pm

Thanks for your reply it was very helpful I found a local bearing house that will be able to match the bearing as soon as I figure out how to punch it out and bring it in looks like after I remove the snap rings I can tap it out with a socket & hammer no press to be found around here any suggestions will be appreciated.
Thanks Tom c.
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Re: alt tensioner pully bearing

Postby Kristin Winter » Sat Dec 15, 2012 4:06 am


I would bet that there is not too much of an interference fit. If I didn't have a press, I would use a socket, a vise, and a couple of small blocks or a piece of pipe to support the pulley while I used the vise to push the socket and the bearing out.
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Re: alt tensioner pully bearing

Postby Tom Corell » Sat Dec 15, 2012 4:56 am


I like your suggestion I have all of the above tools I'll get back to you in a couple of weeks &
let you know it worked out.

Thanks Tom
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Re: alt tensioner pully bearing

Postby Mark J Schell » Sat May 11, 2013 4:21 am

I would like to recommend that everyone who owns a twin check the alternator tensioner bearings at each annual. With this annual one of the tensioners had no balls and it was bearing race onto bearing race. When I checked the other one it had a rough bearing. Interesting enough I have two different bearings one smaller than the other. There must have been a problem at one time before I owned the plane.

Moral of the story check these bearings at your next annual

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