In my PA30C i sporadically run into a low voltage situation, here today, gone tomorrow, then back.
My JPI will show 11.2V and the Low Voltage yellow light on the dash lights up.
I shed some load, no avail, no breakers have popped, so i'll switch to the Aux Volt Reg, all goes back to normal
charging, 13.8 in my bird.
After a few minutes, the voltage quickly will drop to 11.2 again, i switch back to main volt reg, and it goes back to 13.8
This may repeat itself, or not...
I've even shut the master off for couple minutes, then all back online, fine, but this may repeat itself, and next flight fine....
Any thoughts? thanks for any imput, is it time to switch to the plane power system, and would you do alternators and regulators?