Avionics Shop Recommendations Sought

Avionics Shop Recommendations Sought

Postby Tom Veatch » Wed Jan 11, 2012 7:57 pm

My partner and I are giving serious consideration to replacing the GX60 in our PA24-250 with a 430W or 530W. Yeah, I know, we're sort of playing tail-end Charlie in the GPS market, but money is a consideration. We are based in Wichita, KS and have a quote in hand from Bevan-Rabell located locally.

We would not be adverse to checking with other reputable avionics shops within a reasonable distance from Wichita to validate the quote in hand or maybe save a dollar or two on the upgrade. What is "reasonable distance"? Anywhere east of the mountains and west of the river would probably qualify.

Thanks for any suggestions/opinions/recommendations you would care to offer. You're welcome to PM any shop critiques you'd prefer to not make public.
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Re: Avionics Shop Recommendations Sought

Postby Mark Anderson » Thu Jan 12, 2012 8:10 pm


You could call Rowan Jones at Ron Collins Aviation Electronics in Hendersonville, KY. It is just barely across the river,just south of Evansville, IN. He would be glad to give you a quote over the phone. They did a new panel for me about 2 years ago and did a good job. You can mention my name if you want. His # is (270) 827 -1163. I had the same struggle with the 430 vs 530 and went with the 530. I am happy with my decision.


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Re: Avionics Shop Recommendations Sought

Postby Tom Veatch » Tue Jan 17, 2012 6:40 pm

Thanks, Mark.
My partner and I, after talking with a couple of shops, have decided to let Bevan-Rabell here in Wichita install a GTN-750 system. My partner has considerable experience with them and is pleased with their past work, so we'll go there.

Next question is, after looking at the cost of this upgrade, "Does anyone have the number of a good psychiatrist?"
Last edited by Tom Veatch on Wed Jan 18, 2012 12:14 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Avionics Shop Recommendations Sought

Postby N3322G » Tue Jan 17, 2012 6:48 pm


not sure any amount of counseling would help :-)

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Re: Avionics Shop Recommendations Sought

Postby md11flyer » Tue Jan 17, 2012 7:32 pm

Counceling?... Not necessary. What you do is get a hold of one of those subliminal CD makers and have them put the message:
"The aircraft upgrade is good.... The garmin 530 is very good... You will be very thankful to your spouse that
he/she spent all that money on the aircraft.. after all "the upgrade is good"...and because the upgrade is good... you will
bug him/her to paint the aircraft as well...Have this Cd playing whenever you can... and presto within days you have your
upgrade agreement.. and shortly thereafter a request from him/her for you to paint the airplane.. :lol:

Hmmmm if it was only so simple..... :wink:

Good Luck

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Re: Avionics Shop Recommendations Sought

Postby Mark Anderson » Tue Jan 17, 2012 11:23 pm


Please post some pics when its done. I can't wait to see it. You may be the first Comanche to have the GTN 750 installed! That's awesome.

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Re: Avionics Shop Recommendations Sought

Postby Tom Veatch » Wed Jan 18, 2012 12:02 am

I'll post some pictures when it's done, but right now it's looking like they won't be able to schedule the work until the last week of March. That's a long time to lie in the corner in a fetal position sucking my thumb.

The plan is to make room for the 750 by removing the GX50, transponder, Mk12 Nav/Com, and audio panel, and come back in with the 750, an SL-40 backup com unit, and remote mounted transponder and audio panel. I've got 750 simulation software on my computer, and maybe by the time the work's done, I'll have learned where the on/off switch is located.

Mark, I just noticed your location as Huntsville, AL. I used to work at Sperry Rand in Huntsville on NASA contracts before I came to Wichita. My partners and I kept our E-35 Bonanza at South Huntsville Airport in Lacey's Spring. It was a nice little airport which has since been abandoned.

Hated to leave that airplane behind but my partners voted down my motion that I take the airplane and they commute to Wichita to fly it.
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Re: Avionics Shop Recommendations Sought

Postby Mark Anderson » Wed Jan 18, 2012 4:53 am


I am sure it will be worth the wait. When I dropped my plane off at the avionics shop a couple of years ago, all I planned on doing was adding a 430. When it was all said and done a couple of months later it came out with a whole new panel. I have never regretted any of the money I spent on avionics, especially when flying hard IFR.

I got to play around with the GTN 750 that was in a TBM 700 a couple of weeks ago. That thing is nice.

Small world on Huntsville and Lacey Springs. In the late 80's I used to sky dive st that airport out of the Cessna 206 owned by Tom and Dan Simmons. My dad also worked for Sperry many years ago, probably in the early 70's.

ICT is one of my favorite airports to RON when going cross country. The Hilton has good pilot rates, free breakfast and walking distance from the FBO.

Good Luck

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Re: Avionics Shop Recommendations Sought

Postby MULEFLY » Sat Jan 21, 2012 3:48 pm

JVB has a 750 and a 650 and a G600 installed in his twinco.... lust, lust, lust... I've seen pics... very nice setup
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Re: Avionics Shop Recommendations Sought

Postby Mickey Stateler » Sat Jan 21, 2012 6:26 pm

A couple of years ago I did the same... out with the GX60, in with 430W and panel mounted 696, GPSS, Garmin Mode S TXP. IT is too bad you didn't get this done a couple of years ago... Garmin was giving $2000 trade in on new 430W back then. No matter though as I am sure the price of the 430W has come down an equally with the introduction of their new line. I priced many places and ultimately decided to fly the airplane to Sarasota Avionics, in Sarasota FL. They delivered on time and on budget and were very flexible to our involvement with the project. They were several thousands cheaper than anything here in North TX and the money I save in not paying sales tax, paid for the fuel to get there. Attached are a before and after Pics. The panel is our 2nd R&J Panel and we did the install ourselves,prior to Flying it to Sarasota. I did all the power and circuit breaker relocation. Sarasota did the install of the Avionics
Good Luck
Panel 022.jpg
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Re: Avionics Shop Recommendations Sought

Postby Mark Anderson » Sat Jan 21, 2012 9:14 pm


Very nice panel!

Here is my before and after: Garmin 530 W, Garmin 327 Transponder, Garmin Audio GMA 340, STEC System 30 Autopilot, GPSS, STEC HSI, electric AI, vacuum DG & AI, JPI 930 Engine Monitor, All new circuit breakers and switches and Aera 560.

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