Wing Leveler & Automatic III,... Is both required?

Wing Leveler & Automatic III,... Is both required?

Postby 8266Y » Sat Feb 14, 2009 4:12 am

Mine like most Twin Comanche's have the "Wing Leveler" and the Automatic III. As I upgrade my panel, I find the "Wing Leveler" not very useful and would like to remove it. My question is: If I keep the Automatic III do I have to keep the "Wing leveler"? I know its two independent systems but are they both required as long as either is used?
Thank you,

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Postby Zach Grant L1011jock » Sat Feb 14, 2009 3:33 pm

Pull the autoflite out, and keep the Altimatic. You will lose some very useless equipment from under the baggage floor as well as the switches and turn knob from the precious real estate of the panel. They are uneconomical to fix, and add no value.
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Postby MULEFLY » Sun Feb 15, 2009 12:42 am

Zach.... just did that very thing on 8982Y.... yanked it! Now I have to put my super geek hat on and learn "CNX80/MX200 speak!"
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Postby Jay » Sun Feb 15, 2009 6:26 pm


If you haven't already, get a copy of "How To Use Your GNS480/CNX80" by Keith Thomassen (be sure that it's the most recent edition, just Google the title and author) and work through it using the 480 simulator on your PC (download for free on Garmin's website). Then go fly with a 480 savvy pilot (I was lucky, got to do that with JvB). There is also a 480 user group on Yahoo that's good for getting specific questions answered.

It is not really difficult, but it is different from the Garmin handheld/430/530 logic that most of us learn. There are a TON of features and sometimes several ways to get to the same thing (such as loading an approach) from different screens.

I love my 480 and wouldn't trade it for any other box out there.

Have fun!

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Postby MULEFLY » Sun Feb 15, 2009 6:41 pm

Jay... I have Keith's book and spent about 4 hours with the unit in a docking station yesterday working thru the pages of that book in sim mode. ... I'm now at the "now how again, do I do that?" stage. Also I think you belong to the Yahoo forum group and thru that group I down loaded a video of it installed in a King Air and being flown thru some pretty interesting approaches, holds, etc. So I'm excited, I should get my airplane back tomorrow...

I haven't spoken with a single person who has experience with this unit that doesn't absolutely love it... JVB convinced me that this was the unit I wanted and I found one that was used but checked out as being in excellent shape.

All the best!
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