Jeppesen Discounts for International Comanche Society Members
Discount on Jeppesen Data Service packages that include Nav Data and Charts
- 13 months of service for the price of 12 month subscription
Note: Services must include Jeppesen Nav Data and Charts to be eligible for the extra months service
25% discount on Trip Kits
- Access to charts outside of normal Geographic area of service(s) for 28 days
5% off Jeppesen training and pilot supplies
When you contact Jeppesen, please provide your name, ICS number, and other contact information (phone number, email address). Jeppesen will need the basic information to verify your membership in the ICS.
US – For ICS members in the Americas, Jeppesen can be contacted at (866) 845-8557 or via email at
EU – The Jeppesen contact phone number is +49 6102 5070. The email address is
We are working on contacts for AU and other parts of the world. As soon as the contact information is received, we will post the information here.
- Jeppesen reserves the right to discontinue these discounts at any time with 30 days notice to the ICS. ( Discounts already applied will be honored for the duration of the paid term)
- At the time of service consultation , it will be determined if each particular Comanche’s aircraft avionics have corresponding Jeppesen services that include NavData and Charts
- The Service discount is not retroactive to an existing subscription, but may be applied at the time of renewal for future service
- ICS to provide Jeppesen with a member list to verify membership status of persons requesting discount.
- ICS to reasonably promote Jeppesen to its members in conjunction with informing members of these discounts
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ICS Classifieds
- "I have just completed a new batch of Bungee Tools. If interested, please contact me at Dave Clark"