Sky-Tec master solenoid

Sky-Tec master solenoid

Postby Mike Dunlop » Fri Sep 09, 2016 12:17 am

Good evening everyone,

I need to replace my master solenoid. I spoke to Piper tech support and he provided me with a part number and price. Part number 455-151 goes for $611.87 I'll keep this G-rated and not tell you what I thought of this price for a relay.

I've learned that Piper puts the own part number on everything and that I will not receive an 8130 if I purchase this overpriced item. Interestingly, this is manufactured by Cutler Hammer (CM) who's part number is is 6041H105. This is a very common relay used on many other aircraft. I can purchase this relay from a Cessna dealer (Cessna doesn't change vendor part numbers) for half the price Piper wants and it is delivered with an 8130 but with the CM part number attached.

Can I legally put the 6041H105 relay on my aircraft if it comes with an 8130? The IPC states part number 455-151. Am I substituting parts even though they are the same thing?

I have also found a company called Sky-Tec who manufactures a FAA PMA continuous duty solenoid for $65.00. Now Sky-Tec list aircraft that their parts can be substituted for and the PA-30 isn't on this list (Many other Pipers are). Does this disqualify my aircraft from using this reasonable part. According to AD 23-27 vintage aircraft can substitute parts. Since this is a FAA PMA part can I use it or am I creating a problem. My concern is this seems like a gray area. If my A&P agrees to place the Cessna part or the Sky-Tec part on my TwinCo could this be interpreted differently by someone who may be doing a pre-buy on the aircraft down the road?
Mike Dunlop
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Re: Sky-Tec master solenoid

Postby Kristin Winter » Fri Sep 09, 2016 5:26 am

My understanding and interpretation is that you can use 23-27 to put in the Cutler-Hammer, even if you bought it from Grainger, but I believe that the Sky-Tec is a different manufacturer and is a different rating than Cutler/Hammer, which I think might be Eaton now, or Eaton makes one with the same number. About four years ago, I did a Google search on the 6041H105 part and found one for $200. That is what I installed.
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Re: Sky-Tec master solenoid

Postby Mike Dunlop » Fri Sep 09, 2016 12:47 pm

I'm learning a ton about this side of the industry. I have done a lot of research and found a large whole sale outfit that has one of these sitting on the shelf for sale on consignment. I guess an outfit bough in volume and is trying to move product so consignment is the tool. Didn't know I could negotiate price on certain parts or there was a consignment market. He is going back to the owner to make him an offer of $200. I've found multiple places that will sell the CM part for around $250. From what I have gathered the Piper part number is not attached to the solenoid even if I buy it directly from Piper. I always thought there had to be a paper trail to determine a parts origin and certification.
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Re: Sky-Tec master solenoid

Postby Mike Dunlop » Fri Sep 09, 2016 10:55 pm

Flame Corporation - best price out there for relay's
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Re: Sky-Tec master solenoid

Postby Kristin Winter » Sat Sep 10, 2016 3:22 am

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Re: Sky-Tec master solenoid

Postby Gomer Pound » Sun Sep 11, 2016 3:37 am

Hi Mike, I purchased the master relay for my PA-30 after much research from Peerless Electronics, PN 6041H105 which according to the data sheet I downloaded, superceeds PN 6041H105A. The specs are amazing. MIL-PRF-6106. $244.88. I mentioned the relay in the post I just made about the External Power Plug. I changed the relay at the same time I changed the EPP. My relay operated normally, I just chose to replace it based on age.

When held in the hand and inspected there is no comparison between the SkyTec relays and the 6041H105, at least they seemed that way to me when I inspected the SkyTec relays @ Airventure this year. Just my opinion, but the Labinal Power Systems/Eaton is a "monster" relay. I can see why they last so long. However, the SkyTec relay may be perfectly adequate and proper, just not as rugged. SkyTec has an excellent reputation.. The SkyTec is less expensive. So, I think it's a matter more of what level you wish to go in terms of sturdiness,cost and ease of install. The Eaton relay is an exact replacement physically. By the way, I'm just an owner, not an A&P.
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