Looking to purchase this aircraft. Any thoughts?

Looking to purchase this aircraft. Any thoughts?

Postby Albert Murrer III » Mon Feb 01, 2016 10:33 pm

We just sold our 1967 straight Twinco that we owned for about 3 year and were looking for another one that had an updated panel along with tip tanks and found this airplane. This particular one has turbos which we have no prior experience with. Looking for pointers and peoples thoughts/experiences with the Turbo Twinky. Also this plane has an extra pair of outboard aux tanks bringing the total to 158 gallons usable. Has anyone had experience or even heard about this mod? All input and advice would be greatly appreciated! Thanks!

http://www.jacksaircraft.com/aircraft/i ... afts?id=99
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Re: Looking to purchase this aircraft. Any thoughts?

Postby N3322G » Mon Feb 01, 2016 11:04 pm


I have the outboard aux tanks on my NA Twin - you burn down the mains and then pump the fuel over. Ours were not well done, leaked and invariably had gunk when sumped. I had them disabled. I vastly prefer tip tanks, then the nacelle tanks for extra fuel.

Re turbo - unless you needed the function - they require more maint and add complexity.

Not sure how much it has been flown lately - if not a lot, plan on doing the engines.

Of course, get a pre-buy not an annual from an experienced Comanche shop.

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Re: Looking to purchase this aircraft. Any thoughts?

Postby Kristin Winter » Tue Feb 02, 2016 1:06 am

The airplane is really heavy. I wonder if it has damage or what. You are over gross with 158 gallons without even stepping inside. I would want to know what is up with that. Lots of other potential issues.
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Re: Looking to purchase this aircraft. Any thoughts?

Postby Zach Grant L1011jock » Tue Feb 02, 2016 4:16 am

It's about 200# too heavy for what it is. The air mod interior is part of that extra weight! Can't say much for the panel. It is updated, but stopped at the state of the art of about 1992. Not to say the stuff in it isn't serviceable, but you will need to spend close to 15K to be able to fly in today's airspace system (at anything other than big airports with ILSs) and add ADSB for the 2020 mandate.

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Re: Looking to purchase this aircraft. Any thoughts?

Postby Albert Murrer III » Tue Feb 02, 2016 3:14 pm

Meant to mention the issue about the weight in the beginning but they did re-weigh it yesterday and new empty is 2536. The STC for those tanks is SA1111SW. Says it increases gross weight by 180lbs. Is that on top of the 125lbs that the fueld tip tanks give you?
Last edited by Albert Murrer III on Tue Feb 02, 2016 3:22 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Looking to purchase this aircraft. Any thoughts?

Postby Zach Grant L1011jock » Tue Feb 02, 2016 3:21 pm

That weight is in the ball park. No, the Brittain and Miller STCs are not additive. You do get the higher of the two. The Brittain tip STC (or Piper kit if this was a factory turbo) specifies that you only get the 125# increase if you carry it as fuel in the tips. I don't remember if the same restriction exists with the Miller STC.
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Re: Looking to purchase this aircraft. Any thoughts?

Postby Albert Murrer III » Tue Feb 02, 2016 3:31 pm

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Re: Looking to purchase this aircraft. Any thoughts?

Postby Timothy Poole » Tue Feb 02, 2016 3:44 pm

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Re: Looking to purchase this aircraft. Any thoughts?

Postby Zach Grant L1011jock » Tue Feb 02, 2016 4:09 pm

G1000?? I know there is no STC for that in the PA-30, so that will be a pretty big field approval to bite off. Also there is not an ADSB solution for the G1000 yet so that will not solve that issue. It may save a few pounds over the existing equipment, but we are talking 10s not hundreds. What's in there other than the KCS55 system is not terribly heavy, and even it isn't that much. Going with an STCd glass solution such as the G500 or Aspen and an appropriate WAAS navigator with an ADSB in/out solution would be a much more cost effective way to go about it.
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Re: Looking to purchase this aircraft. Any thoughts?

Postby Charles Schefer » Tue Feb 02, 2016 4:31 pm

That airplane is based at the Dogwood Airpark not far from my home base. Locally it's know as "The Dog Patch". I don't know the plane or the owner but I do know someone else who lives at the Dog Patch and he knows the plane a little and about a year ago commented to me that he thought the current owner took good care of it and put quite a bit of money into it. I do know it's been on the market a while, I periodically look at TCs on the various websites (Controller, Trade-A-Plane, etc...) and it's been there for some time (over a year I think). During the time it's been listed I'd noticed the price has dropped from around 100K to about about 80K+ now I think?

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Re: Looking to purchase this aircraft. Any thoughts?

Postby Albert Murrer III » Tue Feb 02, 2016 10:11 pm

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Re: Looking to purchase this aircraft. Any thoughts?

Postby Albert Murrer III » Wed Feb 03, 2016 6:01 pm

I'm also looking at doing the STC for the smaller nose wheel as well. Can anyone lead me in the right direction or let me know who to call/where to find it?
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Re: Looking to purchase this aircraft. Any thoughts?

Postby Kristin Winter » Thu Feb 04, 2016 2:57 am

The owner of the STC passed on and I believe that the STC is defunct. You should be able to get a field approval without too much trouble as there are hundreds of them out there.
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Re: Looking to purchase this aircraft. Any thoughts?

Postby Zach Grant L1011jock » Thu Feb 04, 2016 3:26 am

What Kristin said is correct. I can supply you with a copy of the STC for use as approved data for a field approval should you wish to go that route.
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Re: Looking to purchase this aircraft. Any thoughts?

Postby Albert Murrer III » Thu Feb 04, 2016 3:54 am

That would be great Zach! Thanks to you both Kristen and Zach. Going up to look at it in a few days.
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