Checklist - PA30

Checklist - PA30

Postby Gabi Ofir » Fri Jun 20, 2014 9:13 pm


Does someone has a digital copy of PA-30 checklists that it can share?

Greatly appreciated!! :D

Gabi Ofir
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Re: Checklist - PA30

Postby N3322G » Fri Jun 20, 2014 10:29 pm


The official emergency procedures are in the Pilot Operating Handbook (POH) Section 3 and that should have come with the airplane. It is supposed to be on board for every flight.

If it didn't you get one with the plane, you can get a close replacement called the Killough Manual from Webco

You might also consider the Alice Fuchs Manual and Maurice Taylor DVDs. Even after 44 years, I still consult these and use them as a refresher.

Hope this helps

Patricia Jayne (Pat) Keefer ICS 08899
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Re: Checklist - PA30

Postby Gabi Ofir » Sat Jun 21, 2014 9:46 am

Thanks Pat for your prompt response,

I certainly have the POH in my airplane.

I just looking for a digital version of a checklist that can be printed on one page on both side, including the emergency procedures.


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Re: Checklist - PA30

Postby N3322G » Sat Jun 21, 2014 6:10 pm

There are a few in the marketplace that we've acquired over the years but I couldn't find any online for purchase now.


We have the laminated ones from the Larry Larkin Comanche training course. circa 1993
The laminated ones from Glen Plymate circa 1995
Personal favorite is the one from Zach Grant's CPPP course circa 2010ish - I don't know what the ownership status is of this superb emergency booklet. We have used it twice aloft - not that we wouldn't have gotten things square without it - it just made it WAY easier. You might try asking Mike Foster, Pres of CFF what the status is.

Perhaps others will chime in with some ideas.

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Re: Checklist - PA30

Postby Gabi Ofir » Sat Jun 21, 2014 7:38 pm

Pat, I found this one (enclosed), and I'm pleased :-)
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Re: Checklist - PA30

Postby N3322G » Sat Jun 21, 2014 8:25 pm

Mmmm. At a quick glance I see a couple of things that are different from my 44 years of receiving instruction from some of the best Twin Comanche pilots.

Our 39 has gear down, full flap stall speed of 70 mph and 76 mph clean. We fly downwind to base at 105 mph best SE rate of climb and final at 90 mph.

I would suggest checking the specifics with certified Comanche instructor and the POH and certainly check each line item on the back of the emergency gear doer extension area against this list before trusting it.

Don't want to say this is bad but neither do I want to see a fairly new owner get crosswise with the airplane and have a problem. Please accept this in the spirit in which it is intended.

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Re: Checklist - PA30

Postby N3322G » Sat Jun 21, 2014 10:57 pm

Let me add, props at some point on final approach should be set at max or 2700 rpm vs the stated 2400 rpm in the event a go around is required.

Checkmate has an offering - don't know if it is any better but here is the link ... de=03CM245

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Re: Checklist - PA30

Postby Gabi Ofir » Sun Jun 22, 2014 12:36 pm

PA-39 is slightly different from PA-30. The stall speed is 69/76 for PA-30, and 70/76 for PA-39 (I have both airplanes POH).
I own my Twin Comanche (PA-30) for more than 3 years, with more than 270 flight hours on it. In all my flights I'm using a checklist that I have made myself according to POH, but the check list is too wide and not focused. So I was looked for 'one page stile' check list.
Regarding the prop settings during approach/landing, well the propeller control settings to 2400 RPM during the approach/landing is according to the POH (please check), although the POH also requires GUMP check on final. Anyway I always move the prop control full forward at the end of the base leg and the beginning of the final approach and make the GUMP check on final.
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Re: Checklist - PA30

Postby N3322G » Sun Jun 22, 2014 4:53 pm

So glad you have more experience than the # of posts here might indicate with 3, hopefully happy, years of Twin ownership.

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Re: Checklist - PA30

Postby Randy Johnson » Sat Apr 18, 2015 12:48 am

I like the "worm up and ground check" portion of the checklist. :D
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