Postby Markus Walliser » Thu Mar 20, 2014 2:27 pm

Hello everybody, I am new to this great organisation! Read a lot of the past posts (I am on page 15 general maintenance) Impressive all the knowledge that comes together here. I think being a member should get most, if not all of us insurance discounts! Because this organisation saves lives and the insurance companies money (among other things it does) possibly (most likely) this idea has already been addressed in others of your forums!
I just bought N8208Y from Brandon Hughes a Robertson Stol Twin Comanche!
My problem is: I need a specific maintenance manual ATP is selling it but it is around $600.- that sounds a little steep!
Markus Walliser
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Postby N3322G » Thu Mar 20, 2014 3:46 pm

Hi Markus,

Welcome to Comanche ownership and the ICS Forum. If you go to the Home Page under Tech Tab, you'll find an online searchable Service Manual. Mods like the STOL usually come with their own Service instructions.

There is always something to learn. A few years back, I started logging to the Forum on every day. If I haven't had the issue yet, I probably will.

Hope this helps.

Patricia Jayne (Pat) Keefer ICS 08899
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Postby bernard nowlen » Thu Mar 20, 2014 3:51 pm

Try Essco 877-318-1555 Their maintenance manual for the pa-30/39 is $60.00
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Postby Markus Walliser » Thu Mar 20, 2014 4:47 pm

Thank you Pat and Bernard I must have deleted something from my post inadvertently: I need P/N 753-645 revision 8 dated 1. Oct 1998 (As of today the most current issue)!
I already ordered the Essco manual as well (to keep one at the airport to work and one at home for research)
Markus Walliser
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Postby Kristin Winter » Thu Mar 20, 2014 7:05 pm

There is no requirement to have the most recently published service manual. Legally, all you need is the version current at the time your aircraft was produced. Any limitations in later service manuals that were not in effect at the time your aircraft was produced, is not a requirement. This is based on FAA legal interpretations.

That being said, it is nice to have the most current manual. You can often find them on eBay for a reasonable price.
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Postby N3322G » Thu Mar 20, 2014 9:09 pm


Kristin doesn't mention it often but she is an aviation attorney, A&P/IA and ATP - all around type A :-)
I met her through this Forum and we've become friends - she is on the opposite coast from you but a huge encyclopedia of things Twin Comanche and singles. If she gets back to FL, you should meet her and her Maggie TwinCo 30C

BTW the gear guru Matt Kurke is in Naples FL and at

Patricia Jayne (Pat) Keefer ICS 08899
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Postby Markus Walliser » Fri Mar 21, 2014 2:06 am

Thank you Pat and Kristin, for the advice, i will buy one on ebay! Let me know if you ever come to Opa Locka airport (between FLL and MIA) i would love to meet with you!

Markus Walliser
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