by N3322G » Mon Apr 29, 2013 8:08 pm
Over time I've gotten several questions about sumping fuel so I put this together because I just got another PM about crossfeed. I wasn't taught to sump crossfeed but we do now because I sumped it once and got lots of garbage. Now I will crossfeed while flying just to make sure this function is there when I want it. Studied before I tried it and was solo so I didn't disturb anyone if I had messed up.
I'm often asked why I hold the sump open when changing to sump another tank - it is because that is how fuel will flow while aloft. If I don't have two hands available, I just sump, change tanks and sump again.
This is the process we use to sump fuel on our Twin Comanche. It has evolved from the methods we were taught. The results are that the fuel sump screens are remarkably clean at each 50 hour AD inspection – so much so that shops have commented upon their cleanliness. Sumped fuel has been entirely water and debris free for almost two years or more of flying. I should mention that all bladders were replaced in 2009/2010, fuel door seals are fresh and I do my best to keep the fuel caps in good condition. When home, the aircraft is hangared in Texas where the heat eats rubber for lunch.
1. Before the first flight, place 30 gallon sterlite bin bottom under sump drain lines (or something that will catch fuel)
2. Start with selectors on main tanks
3. Sump right main by holding up rear sump drain
4. While holding sump open, change to right aux (notice movement of mechanism in sump area)
5. While holding sump open, change right selector to crossfeed
6. Release sump drain
7. Return selector to right main
8. Sump left main by holding up forward sump drain
9. While holding sump open, change to left aux (notice movement of mechanism in sump area)
10. While holding sump open, change left selector to crossfeed
11. Release sump drain
12. Return selector to left main
a. If fuel in tips - with selector on right aux, turn on master and switch to right tip
b. Sump right tip by holding up rear sump drain
c. Return switch to aux
d. Return selector to right main
e. If fuel in tips - with selector on left aux, turn on master and switch to left tip
f. Sump left tip by holding up forward sump drain
g. Return switch to aux, master off
h. Return selector to left main
13. Check fuel in bin. If debris, individually sump tanks until sumped fuel is clean
a. If fuel in tips, sump right tip external sump on tip
b. If fuel in tips, sump left tip external sump on tip
c. If nacelle tanks have fuel sump at external sump valves both sides
d. If Miller wet wings have fuel, sump at external sump valve on both sides
14. Fly
15. Fuel main and aux tanks (and any other desired tanks)
16. After last flight of day, sump main and aux tanks again.
Hope this helps. There is a SB on this and the bottom side of the sump access panel has directions printed on it - not that you'll be able to easily read it but saw it a couple of annuals ago when I was cleaning.
It would be nice if others would share their sumping regimen.
Patricia Jayne (Pat) Keefer ICS 08899
PA-39 #10 Texas