by md11flyer » Wed Apr 10, 2013 3:28 pm
Agreed Charles, I would not throw big money into the Old autopilot. There are too many places that can suck money from your pockets.
I would only keep it if you could get it operating with minimum investment. Like I said before alot of times the problem is in the cabling
and connectors, so overhauling units such as servos and computers will not fix the problem.
You could get a good idea of the money that is required by taking it to a shop that has all the century test equipment. They could test each unit individually
and if all passes, then they can test your cabling for problems. Not sure what they will charge for that, but if you are confident that most of the components are good,
it might be worth saving the old autopilot.
Regarding the level off within 100 feet, I must admit it isn,t that accurrate, I have to nurse it to the level....but it does work. Also with long flights and altimeter changes
you have to adjust the altitude on the controller as well.