I'm replacing an old porous aux bladder in a 1964 Twin Comanche PA-30.
The replacement bladder from Floats and Cells came with two cork gaskets and the company says they give you the gaskets that "touch the fuel cell". It seems to me that perhaps only one cork gasket is needed and I have a pile of gaskets from Webco.
Starting from the bottom up, the original bladder installation on the plane had:
1.) lower (inside) aluminum bolt plate inside the cell
2.) upper (outside) aluminum bolt plate outside the cell
3.) cork gasket
4.) fuel sender plate
5.) foam rubber gasket
6.) cover plate
Note: no gaskets, only the two halves of the aluminum bolt plate, actually "touch" the bladder in the current old bladder installation.
What Figure 904 "Fuel Cell Installation (Auxiliary/Outboard) on page 2J5 in the Piper Service manual shows:
1.) the aluminum bolt plates that sandwich the bladder aren't really discussed in the manual - should they sandwich the bladder directly or should there be some gasket
sandwiched between the bolt plates?
2.) cork gasket
3.) fuel sender plate
4.) gasket for sender unit plate
5.) gasket for cover plate
6.) cover plate
the manual shows two gaskets, items 4 and 5, stacked -- that doesn't seem right
I've attached 3 photos showing the original gaskets and how they were stacked.
I would greatly appreciate any suggestions as to the proper stacking sequence of gaskets to install the new bladder properly.
Warm regards,