Hans contact info is published every month in the Flyer. The Flyer is in electronic form on this website at
http://www.comancheflyer.com/NS/flyers/ ... -flyer.pdfYou can get there by going to the home page and clicking on members, then Flyer etc or click above.
As far as having mods on the website Zach has instituted a call in last month's Flyer for all STC's 337s etc to accumulate this info so it can be published on the website. It is a huge undertaking. As an example I have 31 doo-dads on my twin: Tip tanks, shoulder harness, speed mods etc I have sent in the electronic files but have yet to scan and forward the hard copy stuff. I'm betting Zach would welcome any volunteers to help in this process as ICS is an all volunteer organization.
Hope this helps.