Recently posted marketing report.

Recently posted marketing report.

Postby N3322G » Mon Aug 23, 2010 8:41 pm

Under the tab ICS Rpts on this website's ICS Home page is where you can read this report.

Must be my Girl Scout training that compels me to want to see the truth be told in its entirety. Same Girl Scout Leader taught me to take responsibility for my actions - just like my parents said.

The marketing report referenced above contains a lot of statistics however it only partially includes information on marketing programs. First statistics - I took the total number of members divided by the total number of registered Comanches and found it to be 54% vs the 60% stated in the report as the US percentage which my calculations show to be 49%. Assuming my twice-checked calculations are correct, ICS is 5% below other Type Clubs rather than the 5% above that is indicated.

Charlie Tripp's Sept published 2004 Treasurer's report had similar information but also included how many spouse memberships were a part of ICS membership rolls - this is helpful as it can then delineate membership/Comanche fleet and portray an accurate participation of the aircraft fleet.

A normal report on marketing programs would state costs, volumes and results. An example of the second line item about the Bind in Card promotion would state the before and after impact of such a program and how much it cost to put in the card. When this type of information is available, a marketing program can be evaluated as to its cost effectiveness and ICS would know whether it is worth repeating.

Further, I must take responsibility for line items 6 and 7 as I personally volunteered to publicize Zach's efforts on the 50 for 50 OSH Mass Arrival and approached Zach and the then Pres Dave Fitzgerald. They both approved and Dave asked me to include the then Marketing Chair Dick Kuszyk. The verbal conversation with Dick said the effort wasn't worth the time for any of the suggestions I made - even though it was my time that would be expended. Four days after I had sent out the approved ICS Press Release to multiple media folks, EAA and the Watertown FBO I got an email (which I still have) from Dick, saying, gosh this might be a good idea. If he is going change directions to ride my tailwinds, he should acknowledge the source.

In addition Dick did not attend the 50 for 50 Mass Arrival but proceeded to write an article for the October Flyer that used pronouns that appeared as if he had personally participated and while I let it slide at the time, the photos I sent for the article I wrote in that same issue were re-allocated to frame Dick's article - he was not there to take photos. There was attribution for the photos but to have my photos used for Dick's article was not appropriate especially in light of the fact that I had specifically requested that my favorite three photos be used with my article. My photo of the skywritten EAA over the Twin's engine nacelle was given a full-page - for Dick's article. The use of my photos to highlight Dick's writing was not discussed with or approved by me. It is a bit like theft of my work product.

Finally, the local news channel in our area analyzes the veracity of political campaign commercials and recently pointed out that the candidate for governor claims to be a successful businessman and the researcher gave factual examples of why that wasn't necessarily a fully truthful statement. Dick had other marketing programs that he did not have on the list shown such as the Young Member's Advisory Council which had several participants from this Forum. IIRC they stated they worked hard on it and the output that focused on Type Support was ignored. Dick did not cover this marketing program in his report.

The above is one of the reasons why I voted for the President and Secretary on this year's ballot.

Patricia Jayne (Pat) Keefer ICS 08899
PA-39 #10 Texas
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Recently posted marketing report.

Postby Scott Ducey » Tue Aug 24, 2010 12:06 pm

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