Twin Comanche De-Ice

Twin Comanche De-Ice

Postby Gary Gustafson » Fri Jun 04, 2010 3:15 am

I am leaning towards a Twin Comanche for my next airplane and am curious about de-ice. In the POH for the Twin Comanche that I am flying right now it talks about de-ice equipment and I am just wondering are there currently any stc's to add boots or tks to one that doesnt have it. Or if I found one that does are parts still available for the system when it needs work.

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Postby Kristin Winter » Fri Jun 04, 2010 5:22 am

My twin has boots, alky prop, and hot plate windshield. The boots were added in 1992, using the Miller STC and a field approval. Knots2U now owns the Miller STC. The parts for the boot system is al standard BFG stuff and should be available.

The parts for the alky props is a problem. It is mostly the tank and slinger ring that will be a problem finding. The tank could probably be fabricated, but the slinger ring might be a hassle. Wiggins Airways owns that STC, and they are not supporting it any more. You might check to see of BFG can be coaxed into certifying a hot prop for it.
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Postby Gary Gustafson » Fri Jun 04, 2010 5:08 pm

Thanks Kristin

Are parts in general for the Twin readily available or are some parts going to be tough to get in the near future? I am a little concerned to buy a plane that has been out of production for so long only for that reason. Otherwise I think it is pretty tough to beat the overall value / performance.
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Postby Kristin Winter » Sat Jun 05, 2010 4:08 am


So far we are in pretty good shape. The Twinkies have a niche. They are an economical twin. In fact, they are the most economical twin I know of, including the Twinstar. They are also a delight to fly.

As with any older airplane, it does need the owner to be more involved in determining where to take the plane for maintenance and to stay on top of the parts situation. You can't just take it to any mechanic and say "here, fix it", like you can a C-172.
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