While we are on the subject of the Advisory Council, what happened to the reports that we were asked to provide for the SBM?
The reports from the advisory council were indeed shared with all BOD members prior to the SBM. Not only did those in attendance already have the information, but both Kristin and Scott drove your type support concerns home in their presentations. There is absolutely no question in my mind that the BOD shares your same concerns. But knowing what the issue is, is not where the problem lies.
The complete lack of action by the BOD at the SBM to move in the direction of improved type support still has me shaking my head in wonderment.
I'm afraid I must disagree with you that no action was taken. As I have posted here already, BOD members agreed "unanimously" to further study the issue, and Kristin was to head up that committee. Kristin has since resigned her position as chair of that committee, so it is now in need of a chairperson. Not an easy job as Kristin has duly noted, but we are certainly open to suggestions to fill the position.
Hope this helps. I have tried to be fair and balanced with my responses, but I will not pretend that this issue will go away nor that it will be solved in the near future. In fact, the only way it will be solved at all is with help from those desirous of Enhanced Tech Support and educating the membership. Steps have been taken to that end and I am confident they will remain ongoing in search of a resolution.