by Zach Grant L1011jock » Wed Jun 17, 2009 7:17 pm
Finding a NO DAMAGE old airplane is darn near impossible. Everything has been damaged at some point, weather the HISTORY is there is another thing. Gear ups, wing damage, control surface damage, all of it is fine if it has been repaired properly. Even on newer aircraft, damage history more than 5 yrs old does not appreciably affect the value. Condition is where the dollars are. I look at planes differenty than some. Engines/avionics, albeit expensive, are easy to change out. Airframes are a potential money pit of epic proportion, let alone incredibly frustrating! I will buy an airplane with a high time engine, no radios, and beat P&I, but still pay top dollar IF I can assure myself that I am getting a reliable, well maintained airframe that needs nothing. Maint. is one thing but overhaul of all the piece parts will eat you alive, and then there will be no extra cash reserve to do those other items. With a good airframe I can budget my expenditures, not just throw dollars at the sky every time I try to fly. This is tough to find as usually those diamonds in the rough are sold among friends. A good place to find these type airplanes are owners that do their own maint., but don't have the bucks or the expertiese to make the cash investments or do the highly technical stuff. Many times these airplanes are meticulously maintained mechanically, but now they need to move on to someone who has the capital to do the major renovating. Once you do the renovating, the only way to look at an airplane is that you must fly the value out of it. Afteral, why invest the money if you don't intend to use it!
"Keep it above 5 feet and don't do nuthin dumb!"