1. The first one came yesterday - I was picking up twigs in the front yard after a storm and startled a pregnant mallard duck. She made an ungainly short field take-off, flew a bit and then landed 20' away on her main gear and then she did a face plant. I couldn't help but laugh as I'm sure my early Twin landings looked similar - except for the face plant part. So even the pros can make bad landings when the CG has been changed. She walked away and appeared to have no fear of flying again.
2. Today, we got a new LG washer and dryer. Like many homeowner projects - had to do it twice because the first time the dryer was fine but the frame was bent on the washer. Husband Ken had done the research and had downloaded the installation manual. He was going to the dentist and I wanted to be sure the second delivery and installation of the washer went smoothly so I read the installation instructions. The sentence that made me laugh was "this unit is not to be installed in moving vehicles such as RVs or airplanes" .... as if we could get this through a Comanche door in the first place .....
Hope these provided a giggle or two.