by Hansmeister » Mon May 26, 2008 5:43 pm
When replacing the side windows, you have the option of recessing the plexi a small amount so that the outer surface is flush with the skin. It is a lot of work, but the results are nice.
secure the window to the skin and use a grease pencil to mark the outer mold line. Then, very carefully, use a router to reduce the plexi thickness about .060" all around.
As I recall, we used vinyl tape on the both sides and the 3M flexible putty for the final installation.
The windshield will require lots of fit & trim. At the lower aft corners, some reduction in thickness is usually required to fit into the slot. The screwed on molding around the base of the windshield has to be re-fit, and usually looks bad. Consider adding the K2U cowler. It looks nice.