by Zach Grant L1011jock » Tue May 27, 2008 1:48 pm
The Robertson kit is a love hate thing. Some love it, some hate it. I have the kit on my Twin, and find it certainly improves the short field capability of the airplane. Stalls are docile, VMC is lower, and if you get there it simply a rumble and the plane just falls off, almost like a cherokee stall, and it really doesn't slow the plane down that much (about 5 mph down low, but makes book or better up high). Having the 3800# Gross weight really makes the plane useful. Of any of the benefits, this is the one that makes the most sense. If you have a no tip tanks bird, the useful load weight you gain with this mod is another person in the cabin, or all the bags you can fit, anywhere! Even the extra 75# on tip tanked birds is huge as it is all useful load.
"Keep it above 5 feet and don't do nuthin dumb!"