Note: Inappropriate postings were made on this thread. The webmaster has removed many of them so at times responses that I made to this individual and remain on this thread will look strange. I appreciate support from the many other ICS members who also felt the individual's posts were inappropriate. Rather than edit all of the posts in this thread, I put that time to better use and went flying.
Historic and New Parts for Sale
If you like history, nearly all of these parts were used on the famous Twin Comanche, N3322G. Prior to becoming the only US aircraft to race around the world twice, Marion P. Jayne (Mom) raced the Twin with a variety of co-pilots in pilot-skilled cross country races across the North American continent. The pilot-skilled world races were held in 1992 and 1994. 1994 Gold Medals were won by Marion P. Jayne (1926-1996) and Patricia Jayne Keefer in 24 days covering about 21,000 miles in 105:18 flight hours. 1992 Silver Medals were won by Marion P. Jayne and Nancy Jayne Palozola in 21 days covering about 15,000 miles in 85 flight hours. First two International victories: 1970 Calgary, Canada to New Orleans, Louisiana and 1971 Columbus, Ohio to Managua, Nicaragua. While Marion won races in many types of aircraft, her Twin was her favorite and helped her be inducted into the Pioneer Aviation Hall of Fame, be named a 100 Aviation Hero for the First Century of Flight along with Lindbergh, etc. and be inducted into the International Forest of Friendship.
As much as I would like to keep these for sentimental reasons, it is just not practical. For those who like to keep Comanches in their original state – several parts will rarely be found elsewhere.
Feb 12 update: I've received additional information on selling functional artifacts. Basically, the Museum Curators were absolutely aghast that I would sell any of the items that were on board the Twin when Mom won something in it - on the other hand, there is only so much display space.
IMHO it is simply time to disperse, for lack of a better word, these items and hopefully I won't regret it. The advice I got said at this time a minimum of $200 for any artifact that has a specific success story attached to it would be appropriate. This would include a one-page provenance document including the story particulars or $100 for the parts as shown in the photo and you'll be able to print the ICS Forum post description for your records. If the artifact can be used, then the price is market price. Pricing does not include USPS postage and insurance to your location. Photos in sequence below. Remember to double click on Photo to make it larger and clearer.
Additional Feb 12 update - I noticed that one posting author edited and removed the content of his remarks from this thread which makes the other authors posts hard to understand. If you want the details which are more suited to the Chat Forum, please click here to go to the Chat section of the Forum where I copied and posted the pertinent comments as of Jan 14. ... =85&t=6410 Note that this same author removed highly inflammatory remarks from the Chat forum. It is time to move on.
Thanks for your help in keeping this focused on Want to Sell postings.
Alcor 4 probe EGT for two engines
Complete set. All wiring, components & gauge for Twin Comanche engines. Working perfectly when removed. Used on both of the world races. 1992-2005. Retails on Aircraft Spruce for over $800. Looking for $400 OBO. $200 minimum.
Dual Fuel Flow Gauge
Aeromarine Instrument Co. Model DWG 26821 p/n 550807. Working when perfectly removed. 1970-1977. $100 minimum or $200 with descriptive provenance.
Stock left engine nose cowl
Removed to install LoPresti Wow Cowl. 1970-1992.
Stock right engine nose cowl
Removed to install LoPresti Wow Cowl. 1970-1992.
RPM gauge
I believe both were working when removed to install a dual needle tach to free up panel space for another instrument. 1970-1980ish. $100 minimum or $200 with descriptive provenance.
Dual Manifold Pressure Gauge
Model 19697-3 p/n 27P200-3 s/n 7072. I believe it was working when removed to install but I’m not certain. 1970-1980ish. $100 minimum or $200 with descriptive provenance.
Narco IND-88A p/n M-76068-1RevB s/n J0120 with connectors. 1993 Yellow Tag. Working perfectly when removed but incompatible with new radio. 1970-1993. $150 OBO. $100 minimum or $200 with descriptive provenance.
Original Outside Air Temperature Probe/Gauge
Working perfectly when removed. Great story. During the 1992 world race about 100 miles from finish over France, the right prop backplate failed. Most of the backplate and spinner came off (the rest is in a Museum) and part of it put a hole in the original windshield, dented the corner of the fuselage and strafed the tail. Mom and sister continued to Cannes where a kind FBO and Comanche owner loaned them parts to get them home to Texas. When the windshield was replaced with a one-piece, the temp gauge became available. 1970-1993. $100 minimum or $200 with descriptive provenance.
Stock Wing Tips
Pair of tips removed to install tip tanks for extra fuel for world race 2000 mile legs. One is prefect and the other got slightly cracked during move from Illinois to Texas. 1970-1992. $200 OBO
Pair Challenger Air Filters
Used a couple of years. Had them on the Twin when a mechanic convinced me to replace with Brackett (I believe in hopes I would leave them with him). Forgot I had these and bought another pair. $425 retail from Spruce. Looking for $200 OBO
Marion Jayne’s Peltor Headset
Peltor 7004 No. 030406 Used by Marion P. Jayne on Gold Medal winning 1994 World Air Race. New mike muff. Tested and works perfectly in N3322G Twin Comanche as of Jan 2012. $100 minimum or $200 with descriptive provenance.
Telex AIRMAN 750
New mike muff and ear muffs. Includes case. Tested and works perfectly in N3322G Twin Comanche as of Jan 2012. $245 on Aircraft Spruce. Looking for $175
Peltor Series 7000 Sport LE
Won at a seminar – never used. Includes nice padded case. Tested and works perfectly in N3322G Twin Comanche as of Jan 2012. $260 on Aircraft Spruce. Looking for $240
Tow Bar
Variable width tow bar. Found in hangar. Not used on Twin. Free for price of packing and postage.
Century Nav/Data Selector and panel buttons
CD229 p/n 1C948 s/n 140 Used for both 1994 world race. 1994-2007. $100 minimum or $200 with descriptive provenance.
Ferry Tank Parts
In 1990 Marion Jayne raced a 1949 V-Tail Bonanza in the Vintage Air Rally from London, England to Sydney, Australia. First, she had to ferry it over the Atlantic Ocean and did so solo. These are the ferry tank parts. Then the lack of en route clearances caused her to re-install these parts using a garbage can bought in the Calcutta, India marketplace to get extra fuel to make the newly required distances. She won every first place award on every leg until the organizers quit awarding them because she’d won each prize. $100 minimum or $200 with descriptive provenance.