My problem: Fluctuating fuel flow, manifold pressure, fuel pressure. On takeoff, I switched the electric fuel pump off at 1,000’. Almost immediately I got a low fuel pressure warning on my JPI 900. I switched the electric pump back on, and the fuel pressure climbed back into the green, but was still very low until I leveled off. After level off with the fuel pump off, the pressure climbed to middle green, but continued to hunt +/- 1 psi. At steady level flight, the manifold pressure “wanders” between =/- 1 psi. The fuel flow wandered on this setting between 12.0 gph to 14.2 gph. I can’t hear the engine or the prop surge.
Attempted solution: I have rebuilt the engine-driven fuel pump (which did raise the pressure, but did not solve the fluctuation), and I have put new seals in the fuel selector block. The electric fuel pump checks good on the preflight checklist.
This is spooky to me! Anyone have any ideas on what I should be checking?