PA30 Throttle cable setup

PA30 Throttle cable setup

Postby Frank Brunot » Tue Aug 21, 2012 1:32 am

I recently had my fuel injector units overhauled, and during installation, followed the manual with regard to adjusting the ball assembly (that is, the injector throttle lever was put against it's idle stop, and the throttle cockpit levers positioned 1/16" from their aft stops). In addition, the idle mixture was set to give a 50 RPM increase while moving the mixture control toward idle cutoff.

During a recent trip to Reno, I experienced engine shut-down problems in Ogden and Reno (hot and high), where bringing the mixture back to Idle Cutoff does NOT stop the engine. In this situation, the POH calls for pushing the throttle cut-off release button on the left side of the throttle quadrant, and retarding the throttles fully aft.

My question is this: if the injector throttle lever arm is already against it's stop, with the cockpit throttle levers aft, what good is retarding the throttle levers even more going to do? The injector throttle lever is already against it's stop and can't move any further.

What am I missing here?
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Re: PA30 Throttle cable setup

Postby N3322G » Tue Aug 21, 2012 4:27 am


Not a mechanic but for years my 39 had this problem. At last annual I had the cables replaced and during the adjustment phase, Tim Talley explained to me what he did to make them work correctly. I found it very interesting at the time but did not retain the info as I know Tim knows.

I should add that this throttle adjustment took a couple of iterations.

You might consider offering to pay him a small consulting fee, if no one here posts the answer for you.

Patricia Jayne (Pat) Keefer ICS 08899
PA-39 #10 Texas
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