If I did it correctly, there should be a picture of the air/oil separator I removed from the wet vacuum pump in my PA-24/250. My parts manual shows it to be a Piper part 486-380. Its plumbed correctly and the oil return is going into the fitting on the back of my O-540 crank case. The problem (maybe) is that it still spits oil out of the vent hose leaving an area of splattered oil on my belly about the size of a basket ball for every hour or so of flying. I've removed, flushed and inspected it and replaced all the lines with no improvement. My question is, 1) is this probably normal and if not, any suggestions beyond what I've just done? The engine has about 1400 hours on it. 2) The oil return nipple on the bottom of the separator is something like .5 inch in diameter but the end has a restrictor plate and the exit is reduced to a hole about the size of pencil lead. Why is that? My instinct is to drill this hole larger since all other separators for vacuum pumps seem to have at least .25 inch hole.
If someone can educate me on this I'm all ears.
Thanks, Dan