PA-30 Generator

PA-30 Generator

Postby Charles Schefer » Mon Aug 12, 2013 4:18 pm

Well it looks like my left engine generator may need to be replaced. My plan at the next annual (January unless I do it early) is to replace both generators and voltage regulators with the Plane Power Alternator conversion. Seems sensible to do that at the annual so everything does not have to come apart 2X.

In the mean time here are a few questions that I was not able to find answers to with forum searches...

1) What is the best way to access the generators? Remove the bottom panel of the engine cowl or the engine nose bowl or both? (update - we just removed the bottom so far and make take the nose off in a sec...)

2) Does anyone have a spare left-hand generator (assuming they are left and right parts maybe it's the same) they could lend or sell me? (I can put a post on the want to buy forum if I go that route). I hate to spend money on a new generator if in 6 months I'm going to alternators anyway...

3) For anyone who has done the Plane Power conversion... what is the amount of labor involved in doing this any idea?


- Charles
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Re: PA-30 Generator

Postby md11flyer » Mon Aug 12, 2013 8:55 pm

Charles: I have a couple of good generators left over from my Plane power conversion. You can have one or both for shipping costs.
However, it might be a little costly to ship them AOG. If you want one or both let me know, I beleive one has only a few hours on it since overhaul.
I will find out what they weigh and give you an indication of the freight cost.
Personally, I would just do the conversion now. Installing the plane power alternators is simply removing the old generators and installing the alternators.
I believe the only PIA is running a new field wire through the wing wire conduit, just because it involves opening up various inspection panels and interior side panel removal.. I can't say how many hours because my mechanic did the conversion during the import along with numerous other upgrades. I did help him with running the wires through the wing. We used the internal cable of the tach cable to wind the field wire through the wing conduit. I would guess if you help with the removal of the panels and interior your mechanic could wrench them in place in a couple of hours. Before reinstalling the bonnet run the engines to check the voltage. There are voltage adjustments with the new regulators. Once set they are good forever. Mine were bang on and didn't have to adjust.
My mechanic also did a amp study on my electrics and determined I didn't need a circuit breaker upgrade to 70 amps. That saved me upgrading the copper cables from the alternator to the breaker box.
I also reused the generator on off switches and installed the ALT of lights just above the switches.
Let me know what you decide, if you want them I can send it out tomorrow.

Below is an older picture of where I mounted the ALT off lights.

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Re: PA-30 Generator

Postby md11flyer » Mon Aug 12, 2013 9:19 pm

Charles: I just plugged the numbers for one generator to Indiana from Toronto Canada and it came out to 200 dollars for next day air and around 60 dollars for
parcel post delivery time about 4 days.

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Re: PA-30 Generator

Postby Charles Schefer » Tue Aug 13, 2013 12:44 am


Thanks so much but great minds think alike... before seeing your post I bit the bullet and ordered the TAL 12-70 Plane Power conversion kit. It should arrive Thursday. Thanks for the tip on the light install I like that but in my case it would mess up my custom placards that are in and around the switches (pic attached). I do very much like what you did though. Also I've ordered replacement 5amp breaker switches to replace the stock switches but they look the same externally as the factory switches (more or less) that way I don't need to add 2 breakers for the field of each alternator.


I like the look of what you did in your panel with those. Thanks for tips on the instal. How much useful load did you gain through the weight savings? The add says "up to 26lbs". Not sure what "up to" means. We are removing and shortening wires where possible. A lot of the old wiring won't be necessary. Speaking of which there is a wire that runs from the nose section to the old generator that is 20guage and it is (was) used for paralleling. That won't be used anymore so we are planning to use that as the wire for the alternator lights - don't think we will have to run through the tubes to the engine nacelles.

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Re: PA-30 Generator

Postby md11flyer » Tue Aug 13, 2013 2:25 am

Good choice on doing the upgrade now. I looked at the old weight and balance amendment and in my case he removed 37.5 lbs for the generators and regulators wires etc
and the total weight for the alternator kit including brakets and wiring was 22.5 lbs. So saved 15 lbs. I also saw that in the weight and balance the gen switches were also replaced with
5 amp beech type circuit breaker switches (you are right, you can't tell the difference just looking at the switches).
It is true you can reuse the field wire for the new kit You mentioned a wire for paralleling, that wire is the generator field wire. You also need to run a new AUX wire to the regulators from each alternator. In short you need to reuse the field wire that was used for the generators that connected to the voltage regulators and you need to run an additional AUX wire to run to the new regulators.
So don't cut up that wire! you will need it for the install of the new alternators.

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Re: PA-30 Generator

Postby Charles Schefer » Tue Aug 13, 2013 3:30 pm

Thanks, I'll let you know how it goes. Hope to have my bird back in the air by the weekend.

- Charles
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