On my 61 250 carb engine, after having the electric pump replaced I am having fuel pressures intermidiately above 5 psi on my JPI 930 wich causes it to flash a warning of high fuel pressure. The highest i have seen it is 5.3. This happens even with the electric pump off. Before replacing the pump i would often get high fuel pressue in the descent if the electric pump was on. The reason I had the pump replaced was that I was experiencing very low fuel pressure in the climb to the point the engine stumbled a couple of times. My A&P said the bad diaframs in the electric pump was the cause of this problem even though they were not operating at the time of the problem. The engine is running great and the pump replacement seemed to fix my problem. Although the flashing high fuel pressure on the JPI is annoying. My A&P tested the fuel pressure with a gauge ans said it reads exactly the same as the 930. Any ideas how to fix this?
Mark Anderson