by Bryan Rose » Tue Dec 25, 2012 12:34 am
Thanks to all who commented. Zack, you're the winner with, "just because they were overhauled doesn't mean they are right". Swapped the gov...(Holy cow that's a big job!)...surged followed the gov.
Thanks for everyone's help, if you been following the board, I've had a LOT of trouble with this little Twinco.
I had the gov overhauled a year ago! In the middle of fighting that battle, the left engine developed a problem where it was feathering the engine and killing it if you brought the power back to idle. That proved to be a small chunk of the cam shaft that found it's way to the front main! Overhauled the left engine!
While it was in the shop for the overhaul, I decided to overhaul both fuel controllers...surely that would fix the surg problem on the right engine.
I don't want to be a hater, but I think people need to know about a very serious issue that I had with Kelley Aerospace. After they overhauled the fuel controllers and my shop (Rocket Aviation formerly Miller Flying Serv, Plainview, TX) put them back on, neither engine would run. They were pulled off again and sent back, they shipped them back and said everything was correct on them. This time the airplane would run, but you had to have the mixtures at just before idle cutoff to keep them running. Pulled them off and sent them back again, they reported that "somehow" they got changed. Put them back on the airplane and the engines ranup fine, flew fine, but once the engines were hot, you had to pull the mixtures all the way back again to keep the engines running. All this cost about $6,000! Rocket, then pulled them off again and sent them to Mike's Fuel Metering Service in Tulsa. Pete is the guy there that reported that they were not even close to being setup properlly. He re-overhauled the units and the aircraft ran fine. Rocket is stuck with trying to get the money back out of Kelley Aerospace, but more importantly I flew the airplane twice with them like this, and that was very dangerous. I would be very leary of sending anything to Kelley.
I've been very frustrated with the little Twinco. But she's such a nice bird and I think we've got it whipped now! This time the prop gov is going to Quality Aircraft Serv for the overhaul. Tim Talley down at Clifton Aero is standing behind his work too and is fixing that for me. So, I think I've just about got her whipped into shape! Wow cowls will be here for her in January! She's a 2800 TTAF NDH airplane with excellent avionics and all the Lopresti mods except the wow cowls. On the flight to Clifton on Fri she ran 178 knots TRUE at 16 GPH @7,500 MSL. THAT is economical!
Merry Christmas!