Landing lights LED

Re: Landing lights LED

Postby Jeff » Sat Dec 27, 2014 9:27 pm

Has anyone installed the "ALPHA BEAM PAR36" LED lights in the their PA-30? I have tip tanks and they need to be removed to install the landing lights just inboard of the tip tanks. Not something I look forward to on a regular basis. I understand they are a direct replacement for the 4509s.

Thanks, Jeff N8203Y
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Re: Landing lights LED

Postby jeffrey aryan » Mon Dec 29, 2014 4:05 am

To Jeff,

I have them installed on my twin. They seem to be just fine. They went in with no problems, just like switching a light bulb. I've had them installed for about a year now. I also have the precise flight pulse light system and it also works fine. The plane does not have tip tanks. I just made a log book entry when I replace the lights. I purchased them from aircraft spruce. I also have the same light on the nose. Again no problems.

Jeff Aryan
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Re: Landing lights LED

Postby Jeff » Tue Dec 30, 2014 9:11 pm

Thank you Jeff,

If the tips are a real hassle to R&R I will have to bite the bullet with the expensive bulbs.

Best wishes, Jeff
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