by JimR » Tue Feb 28, 2012 12:49 am
Go to, and the list price for the single band receiver is $950. They occasionally give discounts and right now the website mentions their ad in AOPA magazine that may get you a discount. I've had the single band unit about 5 months and it works great. I place it on the dash on the copilot's side on a non-slip pad and it hasn't moved around. You need a 12v adapter to power the unit, and an ipad with either the Skyradar software or Wingx Pro. Foreflight software didn't support ads-b the last time I checked.
I like the skyradar software; it's not as quite as good as Foreflight but it has some nice features. I've been getting ads-b data right after takeoff, and it's easy to get Metars and Nexrad Wx. Just choose to overlay the weather, and drag your finger to any airport and instantly get the latest Metar, radio freqs, etc. On the east coast the ads-b coverage is excellent. I flew from DC/Virginia to the Bahamas and had coverage for the entire route. -Jim