Alan; Have been to Cat Island for a week at a private cottage right beside Fernandez Village Resort. You'll want to fly-in to New Bight, where customs will meet you. We had no problems with customs or the airport. You might want to call ahead and see if they have Avgas available, as they may not. We took a morning trip to Stella Maris Long Island to top off for the return to Fort Pierce FL.
We had a pick-up truck included in our rental cottage , and the owner's caretacker was at the airport to meet us and drove us and friends to the cottage about 2 miles from airport. Remember if you drive to drive on the left as this is former British colony.
Went into bar at Fernandez village and checked some of their buildings. Looked like a really nice place. The beach there is about 1-1/2 mile long and is really pretty, great place to stretch out and relax, or swim, Kayak, etc.
Cat island is a very poor island and no night life as such. You would likely need to rent a car to get around the island, if you do be careful to stay left, and be particulary careful not to run over a chicken in the villages as the locals will find out who did it, and they will want reimbursement for that chicken and it's offspring for a few generations. Likely in the area of $50.
All aside was a great week and beautiful trip. Leaving be sure to file your Eapis and DVFR flight plan if your VFR. Phone service on the island can and was very spotty, and we had problems getting in contact with US Customs at Fort Pierce the morning we left, so we called Miami and they took the call for us. Just plan ahead and arrange customs and flight plans well in advance.
Also a very good source of info is the Bahamas & Caribbean Pilot's Guide, available at :
If you or anyone wants more info, you can email me at :
Bill V C-GXVN PA24-250