Door Steward

Door Steward

Postby Doug Linville » Fri Apr 15, 2016 7:28 pm

Recently I called Webco about a repair kit for my PA-24, and told them that I had ongoing problems with the original door holder. Anytime I experienced a gust of wind with the door open, it caused the door holder to break.
They recommended the Door Steward which I purchased.
A friend of mine who recently completed a very beautiful RV 8 came to my assistance with the installation. He had just finished installing at least a million rivets, and I figured his expertise would be extremely helpful.
Before starting, I read the instructions three times, and feel confident that we located the brackets in the correct position. Also, the instructions are very clear as to the dimension between the two brackets. After installing the brackets, I connected the door and fuselage with the supplied gas spring assembly, more commonly referred to as a gas shock.
I am very disappointed that the room between the door and the fuselage, with the door fully opened, is much smaller. I have some difficulty entering and exiting the cabin. I have checked the instructions and believe the brackets are in the proper position.
Was wondering if anyone else may have installed this device?
Doug Linville
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Re: Door Steward

Postby Warren Janzen » Tue Apr 19, 2016 5:19 am

I put one on 2 years ago. Works great. My door is almost perpendicular to the cabin when opened. Very easy to enter. Sounds like the hinge mount is too far towards the tail. Try moving it forward which should open the door more.
Warren Janzen
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Re: Door Steward

Postby Pat Elliott » Tue Apr 19, 2016 2:35 pm

make sure you have the right strut, It's possible that you have received one that is to short in error.
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