Hi Everyone - Happy New Year ;o)
Over the past few months I have been developing a web application that will help Airplane owners and Maintenance Organizations keep records and flag recurring maintenance for General Aviation. Of course with the Comanche being near and dear to my heart it was used as one of the "beta test" airplanes.
The software has preloaded the USA AD database and has a pretty extensive engine and propellor database as well. Canadian specific ADs ( very few except for Canadian manufactured airplanes aka DeHavilland ) will be manually added and there will be some work to sort out the minor differences between Canadian Regulation/Tracking and USA ( I am from Canada ) so I will rely on help from early adopters to sort out any USA specific issues.
Once you establish a baseline and AD schedule, and the software learns your flying habits ( approx hours per month ), it will be on its way to help you manage and remember your DUE items and ADs, like ELT Battery, Oil Changes, Annuals, etc.
In a couple of weeks I will disclose the URL and invite ICS members to create accounts and add their planes. The service will be free forever for ICS members. If a Maintenance Organization is maintaining 20 Comanches from various owners, they can login and see all the planes they are working on and update select information appropriate for what an Mechanic would normally have access to in your logs.
If you have any thoughts, comments I will do my best to address them.