The fuel gauges were acting wonky (not reading full with full tanks). The A&P established that the problem was with he senders, and not the other things in the chain. So we sent the senders out for overhaul by Air Parts. After they came back, on the bench the senders seem to be working fine (reading 30 ohms when "full" and zero when "empty), so the A&P put them back in left it over night, filled the tanks. And now one seems to gone bad again. (Reads max 10 ohms, so the fuel gauge only reads about 1/3 full when the tanks are in fact full.)
So, the senders are being sent back to Air Parts for another look.
But it looks like, from the various threads on fuel gauges on the forums, fuel senders going bad seems to be a common problem.
So, is there a recommended solution? Are their replacement parts? Is continuously overhauling them when they do go bad the only solution? Is it legal to fly with a bad fuel gauge? (The plane has a Shadin Fuel Flow Gauge, so knowing how much fuel is left isn't a problem.)