Pre-buy near Orlando

Pre-buy near Orlando

Postby Eric Kallio » Mon Apr 07, 2014 9:31 pm

If all goes well I will be looking at a Twinkie this weekend for purchase consideration. Anyone know of an experiences PA-30 mechanic in the Orlando/Sanford area for pre-buy inspections? Anyone have an history or knowledge of N300MM, a 1965 PA-30 you could message me with?

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Re: Pre-buy near Orlando

Postby Charles Schefer » Mon Apr 07, 2014 10:00 pm

Eric, good luck with the pursuit. Take your time and find the right plane. I joined the ICS a year before buying and spent two years searching (one year in earnest) before finding a plane.

I think a lot of the info you are looking for regarding a Pre-Buy in the FL area can be found on this other very recent post in the Want to Buy Forum -> viewtopic.php?f=96&t=7518

In case the link does not get you there just look under the Want to Buy forum one level up and look for the recent post about "Making the Jump to Twin Comanche"..

Good Luck,

- Charles
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Re: Pre-buy near Orlando

Postby Kristin Winter » Tue Apr 08, 2014 3:45 am

The only shop I know of in Florida that knows much about Comanches is Bill Turley at Aircraft Engineering in Bartow, Florida. I don't think that they can help you with the test flight, etc. Can you cover that, or are you going to need instruction?
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Re: Pre-buy near Orlando

Postby Eric Kallio » Tue Apr 08, 2014 2:07 pm

Thank all, I will be contacting Bill Turley and see what he can do. Although I will need some instruction in the twin Comanche, I do have something lined up for a test flight. I have been looking at the planes on the market for about a year now, studying the ADs, talking with owners and brokers, just doing my homework. I have seen some nice planes and some basket cases, and talked with a few brokers that were clearly covering up flaws and questionable maintenance histories. Now it is just finding the one for me. I have been through the intial steps of basic questions and log reviews on about a dozen aircraft that in one way or another had cause to pass on. Now when I see one that passes the first steps of what I look for in a plane; solid airframe, good engines, gear AD PROPERLY complied with, overall solid maintenance history and mechanically sound. Avionics, interior and paint are not important. Going to redo all of that anyway, I work towards methodically through the process. The current one I am considering just had the full, and proper 1000 gear AD done and is in annual right now. I will be looking at the books this weekend if everything goes to schedule on my end. If I like what I see from my visual inspection and logook review it is time to schedule a pre-buy. We will see. I am on no hurry and am working to get the right plane.

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Re: Pre-buy near Orlando

Postby Eric Kallio » Tue Apr 08, 2014 2:07 pm

Thank all, I will be contacting Bill Turley and see what he can do. Although I will need some instruction in the twin Comanche, I do have something lined up for a test flight. I have been looking at the planes on the market for about a year now, studying the ADs, talking with owners and brokers, just doing my homework. I have seen some nice planes and some basket cases, and talked with a few brokers that were clearly covering up flaws and questionable maintenance histories. Now it is just finding the one for me. I have been through the intial steps of basic questions and log reviews on about a dozen aircraft that in one way or another had cause to pass on. Now when I see one that passes the first steps of what I look for in a plane; solid airframe, good engines, gear AD PROPERLY complied with, overall solid maintenance history and mechanically sound. Avionics, interior and paint are not important. Going to redo all of that anyway, I work towards methodically through the process. The current one I am considering just had the full, and proper 1000 gear AD done and is in annual right now. I will be looking at the books this weekend if everything goes to schedule on my end. If I like what I see from my visual inspection and logook review it is time to schedule a pre-buy. We will see. I am on no hurry and am working to get the right plane.

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Re: Pre-buy near Orlando

Postby Kristin Winter » Tue Apr 08, 2014 5:47 pm


It sounds like you have really done your homework. Kudos! JOOC, how do you know that the 1000 hour was done correctly?
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Re: Pre-buy near Orlando

Postby Eric Kallio » Wed Apr 09, 2014 6:49 pm

It is all about how you ask the questions and what they tell you. Of course it is all subject to change when you see it in person, but only someone who is actually doing the magnaflux/dye penetrant and is paying attention to the AD will generally know the procedure, what shops can do it and the equipment details, and the specifics related to the size of the fitting. When you see tooling marke on teh attaching hardware too it is also a good indication that the hardware has been messed with, as in removed/re-installed. One of hte mechanics that works for me is our NDI specialist and spends most of his time doing these types of inspections. Gives me a little more background into the procedures and what to ask about.

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Re: Pre-buy near Orlando

Postby Charles Schefer » Wed Apr 09, 2014 7:47 pm

I'd also suggest looking for an 8130-3 in the files. I just sent my side brace studs to Aircraft Specialties in OK (at Matt Kurke's suggestion) and requested that they magnaflux as needed to meet the specific AD. They sent the studs back with the paperwork including an 8130-3 documenting RTS.

- Charles
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Re: Pre-buy near Orlando

Postby Stephen Flaherty » Wed Apr 09, 2014 10:04 pm

Would an 8130-3 be filed with the FAA as is done with 337s? Just wondering if they would be included in a disc from the FAA.
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