by Andrew Foster » Sat Apr 05, 2014 5:27 pm
We have a 61 250 with the 0-540. We have a JPI fuel flow 450. Fuel flow will fluctuate as the float bowl in the carb fills up, which equates to a flow between 14.5. - 16 GPH at cruise leaned to 50 rop at 75% or less power. The 0-540 only needs a min .5 psi for fuel pressure. At takeoff with WOT we see a very low fuel pressure on the stock gauge . I believe this is because you have a large volume of fuel, throttle plate wide open, thus low pressure as no restriction to flow, much like a garden hose with no nozzle . Once we reduce manifold pressure fuel pressure comes up and obviously fuel flow goes down.
We had the same smell like systems at gear extension. It was a bad bladder. I believe as the gear extends, the resultant fumes are transferred to the cabin with the increased airflow in the gear wells.
I agree about checking the connections on the newly installed aux tank.
Out of curiosity which tank manufacture did,you use for the aux?
Good luck and hope this helps