Are we chasing a dead horse?
We'd like to get a new Air Speed Indicator. We did the research and decided to get a United Instruments 8125-B.178 (if you can believe Mid-continent's website and Gulf Coast's catalog that we got last week at AOPA) so we can stay with mph on the outer ring AND have the important speeds (Gear down and IFR approach speeds) outside of the TAS extra window so they are easier to read.
Ken spent hours talking to Gulf Coast Megan and Dewey @ Pacific Coast (later he found out they are the same company) and was told they get their stuff from Mid-Continent and Mid Continent gets it from United but no one would guarantee that we would get the model we want ... and if they customize it for our PA39 air speeds, we own it whether it was the model we wanted or not. Megan seems to think they quit making what we want a couple of years ago.
It is enough to make you want to chuck the whole deal and go Aspen.
Anyway, enough whining - anybody have a different answer or idea?