by md11flyer » Sun Nov 27, 2011 5:41 am
Welcome Michael to the club.
No worries about questions... we all like to help out where we can. Understand that the information you get from this and any forum is often
opinionated. That's also the beauty of this forum... there are a lot of passionate Comanche owners/ pilots here. We love our Comanche's and in our
opinions they one of the best airplane out there for the dollar.
They are not overly demanding to fly and they are not overly difficult to keep flying in in regard to maintenance.
However these aircraft do demand a knowledgeable Comanche AME. You probably already have all that information from Jim, but
it never hurts to hear again.
Maybe the best advice you will get will be to get to know your Comanche inside and out. This can be done by looking at the maintenance manual, which are posted on the website, and by accompanying your mechanic while he works on your plane. Also this entails a thorough checkout and explanation of the various systems of the Comanche, most notable, the gear system.
Its a very reliable system, but it can and has bitten people before.Some of the avoidable times was because of lack of knowledge of how
the system works and the emergency gear extension. Other times was because of poor or incorrect maintenance. At all times it is a pity to have
a bird slide on its belly when its just simply avoidable.
Anyway, once again welcome!