Hi Scott: From my experience, I wonder if your instrumentation is incorrect. ie You are not getting the power that the settings would indicate.
When I added the Robertson to my airplane, (It was number 2 or 3 done by Robertson) I felt I lost 2 to 3 mph in 65% cruise power settings. Later, after I added various Lopresti, Knots 2 U mods, and Han's hubcaps, I feel the airplane is slightly faster than the original. I get just under 160 knots burning 15 to 15 1/2 gallons per hour when I fly in normal temp air at 6 to 8 K altitude.
I once took off just behind a turbo 260 Comanche near San Francisco and we were both flying to near Portland, Oregon. We were at the same altitude. (around 8000 feet as I remember) We ended up making the same time enroute and both airplanes burned almost identical fuel for the trip. With this experience, I would be interested to know how your speed and fuel burn compared with the other airplane. If either of your instruments were off, I can see how the speeds could be distorted for a comparison.
One other thing that I would consider: When I was buying my airplane, I had no twin experience and asked the Piper dealer to demonstrate VMC and single engine performance. He slowed down with one feathered and the next thing I knew we made a quick 1/2 to 1 turn spin. He recovered and didn't seem bothered and I assumed that's the way it is and should be. I bought the airplane and then for the next few years I read about all the VMC training accidents, changing of VMC speeds, stall strips, counter rotated engine, and rudder dam by Piper. When Robertson advertised their mod, they emphasized single engine safety. I went for a demo ride with their check pilot. When I feathered one and slowed down below VMC, the airplane started over the top. I shoved the nose down and stood on the rudder and the airplane recovered nicely without upset or the spin.
The demonstration ended then and there. I told the demo pilot I wanted the mod. They wanted to get some of the kits out in the field and I believe the special price I got was $3500 installed.
With the speed mods I have added, I am now slightly better than Piper book speeds, but I would even accept losing a little speed to acquire what I feel is a great modification to the PA30. I have landed on 1000 foot strips and have for many years operated off of a 2500 foot grass strip.
The 3800# gross is nice when headed of OSH with a load of camping gear.
Warm regards, Al Powers ICS 2978